up and measuring indicate a weekly audience of not less than ten or
twelve million people! People are being stirred---aroused--
awakened---as never before in this nation! It's the most powerful
true Gospel program since the days of Christ and the Apostles! But
now we face the BIG TEST, as we near the end of the mid-winter
season,---the BIG TEST whether this great enlarged program can stay
on the air. It COSTS MORE MONEY. A let-up of just one week might
prove fatal. I want YOU to know how VERY important your own
personal sacrifice and financial help, and encouragement, and
prayers for the preservation of this work are. GOD BLESS YOU for
what you have done! It's shaking the nation! THOUSANDS are being
converted---CHANGED! I know you'll PRAY, and SACRIFICE thru this
testing period, that we may survive it. THANK YOU!
Herbert W. Armstrong