Warm spring days are here in Pasadena. Soon our first
graduation will arrive. Two men students, and one girl are now
ready for full time work---the men in ministerial and evangelistic
work, and assisting me with the writing, and the girl in the
college library and in our business office. Indeed, one of our
senior students is already out in the work full time. As you will
see by the new magazine, "THE GOOD NEWS," going to press today, the
Ambassador College Graduate School of Theology continues the work
of men students in such a way that they are actually engaged
practically full time in the work, while still engaged in the
graduate work. They cannot be ordained until they have completed
the full 27 months' graduate work after completing the four years
of college. By that time they will be fully mature, trained, and
experienced, possessing the equivalent of a doctor's degree. But
it is a wonderful encouragement to me that two of these fine young
men are prepared already for virtually full-time work. It will
begin to ease the load I have to carry, and at the same time
greatly expand the scope and effectiveness of the work. And these
are not ordinary young men. Their lives prove they have been truly
called of God to His service. They are fully converted, filled
with God's Spirit. They have understanding and wisdom---they
under-stand the Bible---they have FAITH---and they are already well
experienced and capable. They are sincere, diligent, hard workers.
Yes, God surely blesses His work with GOOD THINGS, both
spiritual and material. And one of the most important of the GOOD
THINGS is you, yourself, as one of our loyal and faithful
co-workers. I do thank God for you as a co-worker with me in His
great work, and ask His richest blessing for you.
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong