Box 111, Eugene, Oregon
August 13, 1941
Dear Co-Workers in Christ,
Mrs. Armstrong and I have just returned, refreshed and
renewed, from the rest we have needed so long. I finally came to
the place where I simply had to stop, and get away from the strain
and responsibility of this great work, and rest, and sleep, and
fast. I was just about completely broken down.
For 18 days I fasted and prayed. We have been away more than
two months altogether. I feel now like a new and different man
physically, mentally, spiritually. I believe I am ready and fit
now, for the tremendous job that lies ahead of us. We have a
MIGHTY work to perform from now on, during these closing days of
this dispensation. Our Lord and Christ is soon coming---to call
you and me to account for how loyally, unselfishly, faithfully we
have labored in His service. Personally I am very, very grateful
that our heavenly Father has been so gracious in giving us this
opportunity to get into fit shape for His work, and for the job
that now lies ahead. An unfit man can't accomplish much. The job
will now require every ounce of strength and energy we can muster.
It will require great SACRIFICE on the part of all you Co-workers.
It requires full and complete consecration, utter submission to
God, with NOTHING held back---putting the Kingdom of God FIRST, and
every desire or need or want secondary to that. I have given
myself completely and without reservation to the service of the
almighty God. Will you, my dear Co-workers, make with me that same
UNconditional consecration to HIM and His cause just now? If you
will, we shall now see just what the POWER of the living God can do
in and thru a band of humble, consecrated, energetic and determined
servants. Thousands,---yes, MILLIONS of souls are at stake!
I find things, on my return to the office, however, in very
serious condition. Indeed, a DESPERATE condition. For the past
two months you have been hearing me over KRSC, and KWJJ by
electrical transcription---and transcribed broadcasts, necessarily
made in advance, cannot bring to our listeners the up-to-the-minute
news of the very hour, fulfilling Bible prophecy, as I do when I am
in the studio in person. Transcribed broadcasts, someway, never
bring the same mail response that the personal broadcasts do. And
so our mail---and receipts of tithes and offerings to keep this
vital work alive---have fallen off steadily while I have been gone.
I find several hundred copies of The PLAIN TRUTH laid over several
weeks in the local post-office thru some error, before it came to
the attention of my secretary, and this seemed to offend several
who did not get their PLAIN TRUTH on time. Several letters
containing offerings were not acknowledged for several weeks. I
was not here to answer letters. All these things contributed to
reduce the amount of money received materially. I return home to
find things in a DESPERATE crisis.
So I must rush this letter to our loyal Co-workers the very
first thing, and ask your immediate and generous HELP, as God has
made you able. I need $175 at once to get out another issue of The
PLAIN TRUTH. I am ready to turn copy over to the printers the day