EVERY ONE OF YOU---get down on your knees, and pray earnestly with
me, asking God to touch the hearts of those who are slack in
sending in money---asking Him to somehow MOVE on every one who can
to send in the most generous amounts possible---AND QUICKLY? Pray
with me that God will, through our Co-Workers, literally open the
windows of heaven and send upon His servants here in Pasadena a
veritable DOWNPOUR of dollars---for His glory, and to lift His work
from reproach, and to keep it going---week by week, and month by
month! Surely, among all our Co-Workers, there is at least one who
is able, if willing, to send us that entire $3,000 to pay off that
loan our Co-Worker made for us. Surely there are beside, at least
two or three who can send in a thousand dollars each to pull this
work out of its slump, help us get bills paid up so we can owe no
man anything! And I know that EVERY ONE OF YOU can send in at
least the poor widow's mite---just $2! And most of you can spare
God and His work considerably more than that!
In addition to this financial crisis, we need extra funds
quickly to print and mail the August-September PLAIN TRUTH, now
almost ready for the printer.
Will you pray---and it it's YOU who can, DO IT AT ONCE,
and send your liberality by air-mail! Let's send up this united
appeal to God---and each do his UTMOST, and see God glorified and
His work leap on ahead greater than ever!
In Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong