patience-trying struggle. It has taken longer than I hoped. I
have done my best, and now am approaching tip-top shape. The PLAIN
TRUTH is at last written, and now I believe I am in shape to once
again KEEP IT COMING EVERY MONTH. I shall do my very best. It
seems many of our co-workers let down on their part in this work
when The PLAIN TRUTH is delayed and once again THE WORK IS
SUFFERING, AND FACING A CRISIS. So I simply have to send you this
letter, to let you know that this most interesting issue of The
I have finished my part---but our co-workers once again,
many of them, are letting down on their part, and we do not now
have enough funds coming in to pay for the printing and mailing.
We have received one large offering for this specific purpose, but
we need a great deal more. We can GIVE The PLAIN TRUTH only as our
Co-Workers GIVE for that purpose. We cannot put a price on the
precious GOSPEL. It cannot be sold like merchandise.
I believe you will be THRILLED with this issue. I
believe it is the best and most interesting ever published. There
are articles on the dynamic change that has taken place in Europe
---the significance of the Cardinal Mindszenty episode,---the
significance of the fact a FIGHTING POPE has suddenly emerged at
the Vatican---the real MEANING of the NEW GERMANY now being born!
All these things mean something that will happen soon to YOU and
YOURS, as well as our whole nation! There are articles on Water
Baptism, The IMAGE of the "Beast," What to do in case of fevers,
colds, diseases, sicknesses---an article on fasting and diet;
Should you join a Church? Tithing; Where Does the Money Go, and
how is it handled, when sent in for this work; The SEVEN KEYS to
Understanding the Bible---certainly an eye-opening article
different from anything you ever read.
We are now in the difficult summer months when some of
you nay not be able to hear the broadcast as clearly as during
winter, but remember, the full half-hour message is going out every
night over the most powerful standard-wave station in North
America, beside all the other big stations, and hundreds of
thousands still hear the message every night.
It takes thousands of dollars every month to carry on
this great work, reaching MILLIONS of people all over North
America, converting and changing thousands of lives, reaping a
precious and great harvest of souls. IT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT
ACTIVITY ON THIS EARTH TODAY! God is blessing it now as never
before. It is bearing tremendous fruit for His Kingdom. And this
precious work of God is again in need! Now I am asking God to just
lay this need, and this burden SO HEAVILY upon your heart that
you'll be stirred and aroused to send in immediately the very
LARGEST sum for His work you can possibly send---whether that be
only the two widow's mites, or a generous offering of several
thousand dollars. And PLEASE KEEP PRAYING EARNESTLY for this work,
and for me personally. Join me in prayer, and in AGREEING with me
that God will lay it on the hearts of co-workers Coast to Coast to
send upon us a veritable downpour of generous offerings. And GOD