For years one of my greatest problems has been the need
of an efficient secretary who can take dictation, cut stencils,
operate the mimeograph machine, take full charge of the mailing
list. I haven't known where to turn, because we could not afford
to pay a third the salary an efficient secretary would command.
Again, above all we needed for this job a Christian whose heart was
in this work. We have known of no one who would fit these
qualifications at a salary we could afford. But God has now worked
that out, too. Just about three weeks ago we heard that one of our
recent converts, a young woman whom I baptized only last Fall, is
an experienced stenographer. Mrs. Armstrong saw her, and at once
she was eager to help. She was willing to work without pay---but
she is in need, and God says the servant is worthy of his hire. Of
course I cannot let her devote her time to the office without
compensation, but she is more than willing to take the job at small
salary because her HEART is in God's work. We have had her working
in the office last week and this, We have found her efficient,
capable, and a fast worker---just the girl we have needed to take
charge of the secretarial work in the office.
We have tried not to get ahead of the Lord. But God's
time, clearly, has come. He Himself is now going before and
opening the way. It is for US to follow! And there is NO TIME TO
Now I want to take advantage of this splendid
opportunity and move to the larger office. We have just a few days
to make the decision. I want to keep Sister Simmons on in the
office. This will add to our weekly and monthly expense, but now
is absolutely necessary.
In addition, we must have, at once, at least $100 for
office equipment. We simply can't carry on this great work longer
without equipment for handling it. And we need, NOW, at once, to
raise a special reserve fund of not less than $750 to start and
establish the broadcast in Los Angeles.
This is not too large an order for a work of this size.
All things are possible with God, and all things are possible to us
if we BELIEVE. This is the greatest test of faith we have ever
faced yet. But it is NEEDED---God is moving ahead and opening the
way---His time has arrived. "This Gospel of the KINGDOM," says
Jesus, "shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all
nations; and then shall the END come!" We are now near the END!
Satan now speeds up his activity to horrible fury,
working thru Hitler and others. He KNOWS that he has but a short
time! Millions, under satanic inspiration, hurl themselves to the
battle, willing to SACRIFICE THEIR VERY LIVES! Dear Co-workers,
OUR time is equally SHORT! OUR work must be finished before Christ
comes! We must throw ourselves to the task with even GREATER
inspiration than the Nazi army---WE MUST WORK WITH THE ZEAL AND
INSPIRATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT! Time is SHORT! No sacrifice now is
too great. Soon our money, our property, will be worth NOTHING to
us. We cannot keep it much longer, anyway. I need you, every one,
to rally now behind me in this work as never before. Will you