still there it will still be open to us, he has assured us, and
plans have been made tentatively to provide additional hotel-room
space for next year so we can accommodate a larger attendance. I
know all the brethren will pray that God will permit us to continue
on to Belknap.
* * * * * *
As all know who attend, the business of feeding this large
gathering three times a day throughout the Festival each year is
under supervision of Sister Annie Mann, along with Sister Hazel
Wallace employed as full-time cook. I am sure all appreciate
Sister Mann's careful and methodical management and Sister
Wallace's superb cooking, but few if any beside these two efficient
women have any conception at all of the real responsibility of
planning they have assumed for the rest of us. We all owe them a
deep debt of gratitude for the efficient manner in which they have
planned the purchase and delivery of the exact required amount of
various items of food, the nice variety of appetizing, wholesome
and health foods for each day's menus. And if it were realized how
much planning it takes---how they must start planning even the 8th
day's menus and supplies required before the first day begins, and
constantly check and re-check every day in order to use up the
groceries and supplies on hand without running short of anything---
well, very few would be capable of this task, and I know I can
speak for all who were in attendance in expressing to these two
sisters our heart-felt gratitude for their ability, pains, and
efficient service. Certainly we were WELL FED! The meals were
delicious, ample, and in conformity with health laws.
I pass on to you the following recommendations from Sister
"The Bible says, in Exodus 16:23 (before Mosaic rituals
given): 'The Eternal hath said, Tomorrow is the rest of the holy
Sabbath unto the Eternal: bake that which ye will bake today, and
seethe (boil) that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over
lay up for you to be kept until the morning."
"I think I can see where we would benefit come of our
brethren who have families living in cabins allowing them to cook
for themselves in their cabins. It would be a help to those who
are taking care of the lodge guests. I feel it would make their
expenses less. Also, I feel we do too much work in the kitchen
on the Sabbath days. Instead, we might have everyone come to the
kitchen and dining room and help themselves from the trays of food
provided, and each one wash his own dishes, or at least the wife
and mother of each family wash them for her family. The breakfast
will be prepared and served as usual, then the buffet luncheon for
late afternoon. Too, those who would like to purchase from the
stores at McKenzie Bridge on Friday some tid-bits for the Sabbath
luncheon may do so without offending others. We always have good
co-operation in our kitchen work, and I'm sure this can be worked
out to the good of all. Another thing, our children and youth must
learn to be more patient in waiting to be served and give their