before it's forever TOO LATE! We can't stop, falter, slacken our
efforts now!
And yet SOME FEW of our co-workers continue to write in
after every urgent appeal I'm forced to sent out! "Why is the work
always in an emergency? Why must it always need more money?"
Oh, dear Co-workers, LISTEN! Let's all realize JUST
WHERE WE STAND! We are in the very LAST DAYS! The only thing on
earth that COUNTS, now, is THIS GREAT WORK OF GOD! It isn't MY
personal work---it is YOURS as much as mine---it's GOD'S work, to
which He has called YOU and me. I can speak in front of a
microphone. But unless YOUR MONEY makes that microphone LIVE,---
carries what is spoken into it, out over many radio stations of
super-power to MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, I would be talking into a dead
piece of metal in an empty room---just talking to myself! Often,
when I speak to you, there is not another soul in the room with me.
Usually Mrs. Armstrong is there by my side, and sometimes visitors,
but not always. You see, of myself I CAN DO NOTHING. Without YOUR
part, this great work would be as dead as the proverbial door-nail.
I need---fully realize the need---and am sure I have, the help and
power of GOD. I have to plead for His help, guidance, inspiration,
and power daily---He has promised it, and He gives it. But without
YOU CO-WORKERS, this work would fold up and STOP DEAD in less than
ten days' time! I can write articles, and booklets. But unless
YOU send the money for paper, printing, and postage, not a hundred
people would probably ever see the Message God has given me. I can
teach the marvelous, amazing, precious TRUTHS God has revealed to
me to the Bible class at AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, and other professors
can teach the other things these students need to prepare them for
God's service---ONLY if YOU send in the money to keep the college
And this work has been developed and organized SO
EFFICIENTLY, under God's inspiration and guidance, that EVERY
SINGLE DOLLAR you send carries the precious vital Message to TWO
THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS, who will not hear it if you do not send
that dollar---or as MANY dollars as you can!
Yes, this work ONCE AGAIN is in a LIFE-AND-DEATH CRISIS!
I've explained before how we had no possible way to anticipate the
$30,000 reconstruction job unexpectedly thrust upon us. We HAD to
meet it. But it is not paid yet---and it forced us to get behind
with our large super-power radio stations, and I have had to give
notes in LARGE AMOUNTS, due monthly, which will keep this terrible
crisis on us for THREE MORE MONTHS at least. We are not yet out of
this dire emergency, and WON'T BE for another three months at
least! But I am happy to report to you that we are rapidly getting
this work out of debt---and are committed to a stiff schedule that
will rid us entirely of the reproach of debt after another three
months. Rapid, almost miraculous strides have been made---but we
must put our shoulders to the wheel until the job's finished!
Some of our co-workers are doing FAR MORE than their
share---God bless them! Some have made tremendous sacrifice---