In the emergency, I had to sign notes that will keep me
in the vice of this tight financial squeeze for the next three
months or more.
The only way I could meet the situation was to GO OFF THE
AIR week-nights on XERB. This I had to do. At the present writing
I am trying to arrange to remain on XERB, 1090 on the dial,
covering the entire Pacific Coast and British Columbia, Sunday
nights only, and if possible to keep the morning program on the air
at 6:30 week-day mornings. I am making a desperate effort to keep
the program FULL TIME on the most powerful station of all, XEG,
8:PM every night except Saturday and 5:30 every morning except
Sunday. We simply MUST NOT lose our valuable time on XEG.
Remember, this is the most powerful station there is.
Remember, we have the BEST time there is on it! It is a miracle we
are able to have it. But we must FIGHT TO KEEP IT. Twice in the
past week we almost went off the air. Once the program was ordered
off, but before broadcast time I managed to get it ordered back on
by several long-distance calls. I have been laboring under
terrific pressure, and a terrible strain. Co-Workers, I simply
MUST be relieved from this punishing strain, so I can be free to
concentrate my mind and put my whole heart into sending you
interesting, vital, inspired broadcasts.
But I simply have to tell you, I am a human being like
yourself, and this terrible punishment I have had to live thru has
all but unfit me for my most vital work, and many, many times I
have been SIMPLY UNABLE to get before a microphone and send out a
fresh broadcast. THAT is why you have had to hear so many old
programs repeated by transcription! And that very fact, it seems,
almost crushes the heart and life out of me. Yes, I've suffered
these past months as I never knew a man could suffer. I have to
tell you, dear Co-workers, I HAVE DONE MY VERY BEST---and that's
all any man can do. I have given MY ALL, and tho the temptation
has been strong at times, to just quit and drop this crushing load,
I have remained determined, and refused to quit, and just committed
this heavy burden to God, and TRUSTED HIM. And He has mercifully
kept the entire work ALIVE---He made it possible to actually START
the college, to GET IT GOING, and it has been kept alive.
Even that is a miracle. I am thankful---more grateful
than words can express. Several of you, dear co-workers, have made
great sacrifices with me---some of you have given one or two
thousand dollars---some of you have LOANED us from $500 to $3,000,
and this, in addition to the regular tithes and offerings of
smaller amounts down to a dollar, has kept the work alive.
But we are far from out of this crisis. It seems we get
out of one phase of it, and into another. At this moment I am
struggling to keep the program on the air, and keep the college
I HAVE to ask every one of you to SACRIFICE, and to HELP
to your very LIMIT. If you cannot GIVE large sums for this all-
important cause, then I must ask more of you to LET GOD'S WORK HAVE
THE USE of some of your money you may not need until later---