incorporated, to repay on whatever terms are agreed upon, as fit
the need of the lender. Some need it back in large sums---$300 per
month, or even in sums of $500. Some on a basis of $25, or $50, or
$100 per month, or a stated sum each quarter. To assure our
ability to repay all such loans when due, we have established, and
are building on God's tithing plan (tithing 10% of the income of
this work, for the time being, and until a sufficient sum is thus
accumulated), a special cash surplus fund, which is kept in a
special and separate bank account, and this surplus fund is being
kept at sufficient size to guarantee our ability to meet all such
commitments we have been forced to make in this emergency. Now
understand, we do not expect to have to repay these loans out of
this surplus fund, but out of regular income of this work, later.
But we are establishing this surplus fund as an extra safety
precaution to protect our co-workers who loan money to this work,
and to GUARANTEE that if we are not at the time able to repay the
money out of regular funds, we have this surplus from which to
draw. Later, we expect to be able to write annuities to those who
will place sums in the college, as most colleges and universities
do---but for that we must be specially licensed, and so for the
present we are accepting all sums loaned on a straight loan basis,
giving a plain note therefor.
Dear Co-Worker, Mrs. Armstrong and I have had to suffer
more than I can describe thru this crisis. A mother suffers that
her child may be born. We have SUFFERED, as you will never
realize, that this fine and splendid college might be born. There
is great JOY in the success of meeting this emergency---and both
the work, and the college, are LIVING, and proceeding on, and
growing! But the terrible pressure is still on me, as never
So now I must ask EVERY ONE OF YOU to take this matter
IMMEDIATELY to your heavenly Father in earnest, heart-yielding
PRAYER! Ask God what He would have YOU do! Some of you have not
sent in ONE CENT for this work for six months, or a year. If every
one of you who have not helped for that long a time will now send
only one or two dollars, each, it will help more than you'll ever
know! Many of you, on the other hand, have done your very UTMOST
---and I must ask you NOT TO LET UP NOW, but to still stand by me,
loyally, faithfully, to the very limit. Even the widow's mites are
needed now, as never before!
If you can LOAN the work anywhere from one to ten thousand
dollars---or even $500 or less, please SEND THE MONEY AT ONCE AIR-
MAIL, stating in your letter how you wish to be repaid---whether
beginning now, or a year or two or more from now---whether by the
month, or quarter, or how---and in what amounts each payment. If
you want interest, tell me what rate. As a minister of Jesus
Christ I must say to you that God, in His Word, forbids Christians
to receive interest from Christians---the whole interest and usury
system is condemned in the Bible. But Israel was permitted to PAY
interest, and even to RECEIVE it from Gentiles, so a Christian can
PAY it if demanded, or receive it from a non-Christian, if he deems
that circumstances warrant. I could never RECEIVE interest from
any of you, but God does permit me to PAY it if you, after I have
mentioned this Bible teaching, desire it---so just state your own