and character, an I am proud of them! Ambassador College is off to
such a splendid start, on such a high plane of excellence, that its
GROWTH is assured!
Now other encouraging facts: We are now in the time of
year, when radio waves reach out better again, and our radio
audience is increasing rapidly! And while, during this terrible
emergency, I have been simply unable to keep up with the broad-
casts, and the stations have been forced to repeat programs by
transcription, I feel sure, if you co-workers will now respond with
YOUR utmost, and relieve me from some of this terrible financial
pressure, that by doing MY utmost I can keep new, fresh, live,
vigorous and more INTERESTING and spiritual broadcasts going out
daily. At least I pledge you my utmost effort. Again by having
moved our headquarters from Eugene to Pasadena, we are now in
position to reduce operating overhead of this work by more than
$1,000 per month, which can go into the college and enlarging the
work. And still further good news, I find that in Los Angeles we
can get an eight-page PLAIN TRUTH printed for $1,000 less than we
had to pay in Eugene, and a corresponding larger saving on a
sixteen-page number. This means, as I fervently hope, and believe,
that at last we will be enabled to get out The PLAIN TRUTH
regularly and MONTHLY! That has been my goal for years. STAND BY
ME NOW, and I know it will be accomplished!
Now, let me say that establishing and operating a college
costs a lot of money---yes, A LOT OF MONEY! The fact we have had
to start with so few students, due to this terrible emergency,
means the college cannot be supported this year by tuitions, and it
is going to cost quite a sum to operate it. We have six high-
ranking professors on full-time salary, two more on part-time. By
next year---perhaps by the beginning of the 2nd semester in
January---I hope student tuitions will carry a large part, if not
all, of this load. In due time I feel sure the college will more
than stand on its own feet financially. But it has just been born
---it is still an infant, unable to stand on its own feet as yet!
A marvelous property adjoining our campus has been offered
to us, and on most favorable terms---a 26-room place, already fire-
proofed and meeting all codes---which will house 55 students. But
due to this financial predicament thrust upon us, I have had to
defer the purchase of this very necessary property,---and WILL
defer it until we are in position to afford to acquire it. But it
is absolutely VITAL to the future growth of Ambassador College, and
we may already have lost it---three others were seriously
considering the purchases of it a few days ago. The very wonderful
opportunity awaiting us to acquire the magnificent five-story villa
in Switzerland for the European home for the college and head-
quarters for the work over there, also must be passed up for the
time being. This, too, is essential to the future of this work.
I am confident, by FAITH, that God will provide the means for these
acquisitions in due time. I believe it is His will that they come
to us for His work, and He will supply the need---but I DO want our
co-workers to know and understand that we are NOT "getting ahead of
God"---are NOT "biting off more than we can chew," but are going
slow, launching out ONLY where we see plainly God has led, and I
WILL NOT obligate ourselves for either of these necessary