are nearing the time when there will be a famine of hearing the
Word of God proclaimed--the night is coming when as prophecy says,
"No man can work" in proclaiming Christ's true Gospel of the
Kingdom of God.
Many doors are being opened to us for shouting this last
warning message to this dying world. New television stations in
different parts of the world, and the way is now open to increase
The PLAIN TRUTH circulation past eight million and upward to twenty
or more million subscribers--but it does require more and more
money, and we cannot afford to take advantage of these doors Christ
is opening before us without increased income.
Our ministers all over the world are swamped with calls for
counsel about baptism. We have many Ambassador College graduates
ready to be ordained and put into the ministry if tithes and
offerings make possible to put them into the full-time active work.
I do ask you all to pray earnestly that God will make possible to
send forth more laborers into the field. The harvest is plenteous,
but the laborers too few. We should thank God for the harvest
waiting to be reaped.
My new book Mystery of the Ages is now in the hands of the
printers. I finished the very last of writing it in Jerusalem day
before yesterday.
With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong