WHY must we put leaven out of our homes for seven days at
Passover time? To show us we must put every sin out of our lives.
This is the time to take inventory in our business--to check up and
see if we have put every sin completely out of our lives.
We are taking inventory of the work of God's Church. We are
stewards running God's business for him through the power of his
Spirit. I can report to God and to you that the work is growing
now as never before. We must be pleasing God for he is blessing us
in his work. But time is short and we must try even harder. We
must pray more earnestly and more often. We must each do our part
to the extent of our ability.
This is the time of year when the work faces its greatest
financial need and when cash reserves are lowest. The Church has
to depend on Holy Day special offerings to fill up the deficiency.
This does take financial sacrifice on the part of all of us.
This is the time of year for spiritual rejuvenation--and
financial rejuvenation must accompany it. It is a solemn time--yet
a happy time.
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
P.S. It is time to refresh our memory about the Passover, Days of
Unleavened Bread, the annual Holy Days and festivals of God. So
let me offer you once again, unless you still have a copy on hand,
three booklets. One booklet is Pagan Holidays--or God's Holy Days
--Which?, another The Plain Truth About Easter and The Resurrection
Was Not on Sunday. Ask for either or all three and we will send
them by return mail.