March 11, 1985
Dear Brethren of God's Church,
It doesn't seem possible, but the time has already come to
direct our attention toward the 1985 Feast of Tabernacles! Focus
your mind now on the most joyous Festival--and also the largest
convention--held anywhere on earth. About 133,000 of our brethren
will gather for eight days in the glorious and happy reunion with
those God has chosen and brought to Christ out of the billions on
earth who do not know God and the joys of his way of life.
The time has come that I must remind you to send in the
tithe of your second tithe for the wonderful Feast of Tabernacles
for the year 1985.
This year will be the biggest Feast since the days of the
first century church. We shall assemble at 89 Festival sites in 49
different countries all around the world. This year there will be
a new site behind the Iron Curtain in Cracow, Poland, and once
again in China and also in Jerusalem.
For the past three months I have been hard at work on a new
book--the largest and most important book since the Bible. I hope
to have it published before the Feast, and copies available to you
at the Feast. The title is Mystery of the Ages. Even you and your
own life is a mystery. Did you ever ask yourself "Who am I? What
am I? Why am I?" You have never seen your own brain. You are a
mystery to yourself. The God who created you is a total mystery to
the world. No religion except God's true Church knows who, or
what, God is. God doesn't seem real to most people. God is really
mystery number 1. The fact of Satan and demons and angels is
mystery number 2. The mystery of MAN is mystery number 3. The
mystery of the world--how civilization was formed--why it is filled
with such awesome advancement and progress and at the same time
with such escalating evils, is mystery number 4. Why was there a
nation of Israel as God's chosen nation, is mystery number 5. WHAT
and WHY is there the existence of a Church is mystery number 6.
People do not understand it. The Kingdom of God, which we shall
celebrate at the Feast of Tabernacles, is mystery number 7.
All these are mysteries to the world. Even the Bible is a
mystery almost nobody understands. This book will be a real eye-
opener--in many respects even to our own members.
God has called us out of the world. The world was kidnapped
by Satan at the time of Adam's temptation. For eight days we shall
enjoy a foretaste of the coming new world of God--a world of peace,
happiness, joy and abundance.
SATAN's world. But have we not, most of us, let so much