Even after Christ comes to remove Satan and to bring in peace, prosperity
and happiness, the process will have to begin with children. Children will have
be started out right. Adults will have to be DE-educated--have to UNlearn all
false knowledge, ideas and philosophies they have, before they can be taught the
true way toward peace and successful and happy and useful lives. Utopia will not
appear suddenly at the appearing of Christ.
The TV program mentioned second above showed the way to peace,
happiness and joy does begin with the children. It showed what the Worldwide
Church of God is doing for children in the YES lessons, working with parents in
teaching children, and in our youth camps around the world. It gave viewers the
GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of a happy world of plenty--of peace--of usefulness,
happiness and joy and accomplishment in the WORLD TOMORROW. It gave the
viewers HOPE for the future.
That was the program YOUR tithes and offerings have been making
possible. It was YOU, in this way, proclaiming the true Gospel OF Jesus Christ
the world.
The first described program urged people to contribute half of their
Christmas budget to the PHYSICAL need in one impoverished country. I ask you
to pray that GOD will supply the financial need of the true Gospel program by
prospering you and all fellow Co-workers that this one true Gospel program may
continue to expand in this coming year.
With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong