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and preachers have been deceived. Some say the kingdom of God is an ethereal
notion--an emotion "in your heart." Some say it is their church. But NOT ONE
except the true Church of God knows GOD is that kingdom. That is what the
churches and preachers have HID from the people, because they themselves have
been deceived by Satan the devil.
God is a FAMILY. God himself is Father of the GOD FAMILY. Jesus is
God's Son. The true Church is the affianced bride who will marry Christ when he
comes in his KINGDOM.
To the Pharisee Nicodemus, Jesus said the kingdom of God is something we
shall SEE, but cannot see until BORN AGAIN. He said we who were born of the
flesh ARE flesh, but when born again we shall be no longer human, but composed
of SPIRIT (John 3:6).
But the world's churches are deceived by Satan into thinking they
still in human flesh, have become "born-again Christians."
In I Corinthians 15, we read that flesh and blood humans cannot inherit
kingdom of God, but our natural human body shall be changed into a
spirit-composed body by a resurrection or instant change at Christ's coming.
Traditional "Christianity" has been deceived and has deceived the world
with a false gospel ABOUT Christ, instead of the gospel OF Christ, which Jesus
preached. He was a messenger sent from God with a message, and that message is
the GOSPEL. The word gospel means "GOOD NEWS." It was an
ANNOUNCEMENT about the coming kingdom of God--that we can be born into
that kingdom, and that kingdom IS the divine FAMILY of God.
It's like a very rich man sending a messenger to a family of people in a
country, saying that they are heirs to receive five million dollars which has
placed to their credit in their local bank. But the messenger only tells them
what a
fine man this rich man is, and that he loves them. Of course, it's nice to know
loves them, but unless they hear the MESSAGE, they will not receive the five
million dollars. The preachers today tell people, "God loves you," but they do
really tell them how they may become God's sons and receive eternal life.
Brethren and Co-Workers, God wants the world to hear the MESSAGE--if
Time is short. An average of nine or ten thousand people have telephoned
in after every telecast recently. We are going on more and more stations. PLAIN
TRUTH circulation is nearly eight million. But it takes more money. And our
treasurer's office is gravely concerned about enough money to meet this expanded
circulation and enlarged TV audience. God would not want us to cut down this
wonderful growth in the work because of lack of funds.
We are, so far as I know, the only program on the air that does not beg
public of the world for funds. That we WILL NOT DO! We have served God