nuclear warfare will reduce the world's population to perhaps less than a third
all humanity. Immediately after the stoppage of this nuclear tribulation, there
be frightful signs in the sky--the sun, moon and stars. Then what remains of
humanity shall see Christ coming in clouds with POWER AND GREAT
GLORY--as King of kings and Lord of lords to RULE ALL NATIONS!
Satan will be removed from earth. The Glorious GOD FAMILY--hopefully
including you and me--will establish God's NEW CIVILIZATION--a WHOLE
Brethren, can you realize HOW NEAR we now are to that time? Yet in the
short time left we have a tremendous job to complete under Christ, the Head of
Here in Australia I have visited the SEP summer camp for youths 13 to 18
years of age. First I visited the camp in New Zealand, then here in Australia.
Words simply cannot describe the IMPORTANCE of these summer camps. These
hundreds of young people will be adults being married and having children in
just one decade. They will be LEADERS in the WORLD TOMORROW. They are
learning GOD'S way of fun, and are being taught God's TRUTH. Their lives are
being changed. These camps and the Church's YOU program for youths
and the parents to their children. And in this age when families are being
up and youths are turning to alcohol, drugs, sex and violence--and becoming
strangers to their parents--that is one of the VITAL things God is doing through
his Church--as prophesied in Malachi 4:6.
I have spoken to large church audiences in Auckland and Wellington, New
Zealand, and in Brisbane and Melbourne, Australia. In less than an hour we will
land in Perth, where I shall speak to several hundreds within the hour. I am
writing on our plane as we near Perth.
Later: I spoke to about 550 at Perth.
I want to say more about these summer SEP camps, and the entire YOU
program. I want you to realize what an IMPORTANT part of God's work this is.
Our GREAT COMMISSION is to TEACH all nations--teach Christ's Gospel of the
Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the FAMILY OF GOD into which God's
Church shall be born. God himself is a FAMILY--the GOD family. These are
children of members of God's Church. They have access to Christ (I Cor. 7:14),
whereas those of the world DO NOT! Jesus said: "No man can come to me, except
the Father which hath sent me draw him" (John 6:44). Except God calls and draws
them, people in the world DO NOT have access to God! Other churches DO NOT
At the time of Adam's rejection of the TREE OF LIFE, God CLOSED OFF
that tree of eternal LIFE through his Spirit--until Christ the second Adam. Even
when Jesus came, it remained closed to all EXCEPT THOSE CALLED INTO