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thousands of people HUNGRY for these truths, waiting impatiently
for that PLAIN TRUTH. My part is almost ready. Co-Workers, won't
you strain to EXTRA sacrifice to hurry along YOUR PART? We are
still way behind with one of the great super-powered radio
stations, and the broadcast may be shut off unless there is an
I know that, while MOST of our Co-Workers are in poor economic
circumstances and can send only the "widow's MITES"--notice it was
"MITES," not just one "mite,"--and while it is these many small
amounts of a couple dollars, or a five or ten, that are the very
BACKBONE OF THIS WORK--(and every single dollar takes the TRUTH to
two thousand people, so don't think a single dollar is too little
to send in)--yet I know that out of all our Co-Worker family all
over the United States are actually SEVERAL who could, if they
would let God have His way in their hearts and lives and pocket-
books, send in generous offerings of more than a thousand dollars
each--some for SEVERAL thousand!
And yet, dear friends, the largest single contribution to this
work so far STILL remains, aside from the one Mrs. Armstrong and I
put in ourselves when we sold our home, an offering of $1,000. My
wife and I gave more than that when we sold our home--we gave our
ALL--and for the past year and a half we have been living part time
in two rented upstairs bedrooms in another family's home, and part
time in auto cabins, unable to have a real family life with our two
high school sons, and forced to eat out all the time at
restaurants. Now don't think for a moment I mention that to
grumble at the hardship, or take credit for the gift--but rather to
encourage you and as an example to you of how God works. We knew
it wasn't God's will for us to have our home broken up, and be
unable to live as a family in a home, and that in due time He would
give us another home. Well, now, I think before closing I'll
reveal to you one more of the miracles God has recently performed--
this time for us personally! Suddenly, unexpectedly, not of our
own seeking at all, a home came to us just the other day. It's not
pretentious, but modest and plain and neat---but it is a home of
refinement and character--just a CHARMING place, and ample in size
and of most substantial construction. It came to us with no down-
payment except just three monthly payments in advance, and on
monthly payments which just equal what we have had to spend in
restaurants for food--with NO INTEREST--and the title and deed to
the property have been signed over to us. We are to move in July
1st. You may know Mrs. Armstrong, the boys and I are happy over
it, not for the home alone, but for this one more evidence of how
God takes care of His own. We gave the home we had to Him. Now
He has given us the nicest home we ever had, and without any
capital outlay whatever! I have found by experience that one
never LOSES by being generous with GOD! "GIVE, and it shall be
GIVEN UNTO YOU," said Jesus. Yes, and God loves a CHEERFUL giver
--and a GENEROUS giver. It's more blessed to GIVE than to receive.
must have an IMMEDIATE response from thousands of you, and of the
most generous amounts you can send. I don't ask any to OVER-give,
and God doesn't expect it--but most of you UNDER-give, and God's
work suffers. Give liberally, generously--AND GREAT SHALL BE YOUR