considered itself to be "Russian Communist." Greece is not in the Russian orbit,
and is working ardently for the new United Europe. The eastern and Roman
Catholic Churches are now virtually in accord, and the eastern church has agreed
to accept the supremacy of the Pope.
The thrust of Pope John Paul II in Poland was "the spiritual unity of
irrespective of frontiers as existing since the Yalta Conference. The Polish
have been under a Moscow-controlled public press. The people there have not
been able to hear the voice of any leader except that controlled by Moscow. But
MILLIONS heard the Pope, and he got his message over and the Polish public was
AROUSED and stirred and inspired. You may expect something to come of this.
Meanwhile, prophecy is being fulfilled by GOD's Church. When Jesus was
asked for the sign that his coming was near, he said, "This Gospel OF THE
KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and
then shall the end [of this world] come" (Matt. 24:14). While you have been
backing me proclaiming that Gospel for the first time in 1,900 years into ALL
WORLD, the weapons of mass destruction have been produced that could ERASE
ALL LIFE FROM THE EARTH. That had to happen before the Great Tribulation.
All prophecies leading to the END OF THIS WORLD are being rapidly fulfilled.
God's Church is being put BACK ON THE TRACK--made READY for Christ's
coming !
We must put our whole hearts and efforts into this closing Work of God
these last days of this present evil world.
It is now summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Last Sabbath I spoke at the
first camp of the summer at Orr, Minn. Two church congregations, one from
Minnesota and one from Michigan, came for the service. It's simply a
WONDERFUL camp for youths ages 12 to 18. But I found they seriously NEED
additional dormitories and equipment to cost about $50,000. That amount is not
available for the camp in the Church budget for this year, but if members and
co-workers would send, each one an additional contribution over and above your
tithes and regular generous offerings, just for that purpose, it will be kept
and used for that purpose only.
There is nothing else on earth doing so much for YOUTHS, who will be
LEADERS in the soon-coming WORLD TOMORROW, as these summer camps.
There are none other on earth like them. I know you will respond generously.
Please pray daily for me, as I do for you.
With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong