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final resurrection into the "Beast" that is to fight against Christ at his
Second Coming.
In Revelation 13, this whole "Holy Roman Empire" is said to have received
its power, seat and great authority by Satan.
Now in Isaiah 14:12-14 the lesser type or human king lifts to the super
whom he represents--Satan the devil. But originally he was a super archangel,
the cherub Lucifer. Read those verses. He had a THRONE. He ruled a
government. It was on earth. He said he was going to ascend into heaven, and
exalt his throne above God. He was going to ascend above the clouds, so his
throne was on earth. But he was cast back down to earth. Now notice he is also
described in Ezekiel 28, beginning verse 12. He did seal up the sum of
wisdom and beauty. He was an anointed cherub whose wings had covered God's
throne in heaven. He had been perfect in his ways as God created him--UNTIL
iniquity was found in him. He had rebelled against the Government of God, which
he had been placed on earth's THRONE to administer.
He became Satan. He led one third of all angels into SIN. He REBELLED
against the GOVERNMENT of GOD. The GOVERNMENT of God had been
established on earth. God had placed Lucifer on earth's throne to administer
government as KING over all the earth. He became Satan. The Government of
God NO LONGER was administered on earth!
God created Adam. Had Adam taken of the tree of LIFE, Satan would have
been banished from earth and Adam would have RESTORED that which Satan
took away--the GOVERNMENT of God.
When Adam rebelled, followed Eve who followed Satan, God shut off the
Tree of LIFE--which symbolized the Holy Spirit (Gen. 3:22, 24), UNTIL Christ
should come and QUALIFY to restore that GOVERNMENT OF GOD. Jesus was
born to become a KING. Jesus qualified. He conquered Satan (Matt. 4:1-11).
And so the heavens have received Jesus UNTIL he comes as KING of kings
and LORD of lords to RESTORE the Government of God. More, he shall SET UP
the KINGDOM of God--the divine, Spirit-born FAMILY of God, which GOD
FAMILY shall rule the earth--hopefully including YOU and me.
Now notice Matthew 17:10-11: After John the Baptist already had come,
completed his mission and been put in prison, Jesus said, "Elias [Elijah] truly
first come [just before the day of the Lord and Christ's Second Coming], and
restore all things." He was not here talking of John the Baptist, but of another
come IN THE POWER AND SPIRIT OF ELIJAH in our time just before Christ's
coming. But John the Baptist already had come. Yet he RESTORED NOTHING.
Even after John's mission was finished, Jesus said Elijah truly SHALL come and
restore all things. But what "things"? He is prophesied in Malachi 3:1-6, but
it is talking about one preparing the way for the SECOND COMING of Christ in
OUR time, now!
What was to be restored?