Friends and Co-Workers, we have now reached that time! Jesus
Christ, the true Head of His Church, has CALLED US to that
tremendous mission! Fourteen years ago He started this work from
NOTHING, except the knowledge of the TRUTH which He had revealed,
and an abiding FAITH borne of a rich experience which He had
directed, and an absolute reliance upon Him, and a fearlessness in
boldly proclaiming HIS TRUTH as He revealed it, regardless of whom
it offended. From that humblest beginning, God has caused His work
to expand constantly in scope and grow continuously in power!
TODAY IT IS A NATION-WIDE INFLUENCE. And now the time has come
when it must GO INTO ALL THE WORLD, for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS!
Today, TIME IS SHORT! Soon there will be an END of true Gospel
preaching. The past eight months GOD has revealed to us that HIS
TIME HAS COME -- the time is so short there must now BE NO MORE
DELAY! A year ago God revealed to me the necessity of establishing
a college in connection with this work. But by last fall all
circumstances seemed to make it necessary to postpone the opening
of the college for two more years. Then, suddenly, unexpectedly,
God literally THRUST UPON US the splendid buildings and
magnificently-landscaped grounds for the beginning of Ambassador
College in Pasadena, ALREADY BUILT AND PREPARED, so it could get
under way a year sooner -- THIS COMING SEPTEMBER! In every way,
it's coming into our hands was a MIRACLE!
Then came the conception of sending students abroad for their
fourth year of study in Switzerland--to be trained in speaking the
LANGUAGES of other nations WHERE those languages are spoken--to be
trained in the experience that comes only with travel -- to be
trained in understanding the customs and ways of foreign people in
other parts of the world, BEFORE they are sent out to preach the
true GOSPEL to those nations! And suddenly, out of a clear sky,
came the astounding offer of an ideal home for the European unit of
the college--a five-story villa in the finest location in all
Europe, almost new (built in 1934), an exact replica of the Petit
Trianon of Versailles palace! Yes, and at a fraction of its cost,
without a down payment, and on terms we can handle with a mere 8
percent increase in present income of this work! In late February,
as you know, Mrs. Armstrong and I went to Europe to inspect this
very unusual place. We found it finer than we expected, even
better adapted to the purpose of the college than we supposed.
Because of the drop in tithes and offerings from our co-workers
which seemed temporarily to set in at the time, we have had to
delay negotiations for this most splendid property. However, I
feel God opened this place to us--led us to it--that it is His will
that it be turned into the European unit of Ambassador College, and
the Continental headquarters for God's work. A tentative offer has
just been air-mailed to the owner in Lugano, Switzerland. I feel
it will be accepted. If so, title to this marvelous property will
come into our hands on the first monthly payment. There will be no
interest, no taxes to pay for three years--and we get possession in
time for our first class of seniors to occupy it!
Now quickly let me tell you of the thrilling, rapid developments