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messenger to prepare the way before Christ's coming: Verses 3 to 5 show the
prophecy speaks of one preparing the way before his SECOND coming--our time
now--although the four gospel books in the New Testament speak of John the
Baptist as being in the power and spirit of Elijah, preparing the way before
FIRST coming. But God uses the DUALITY principle throughout the Bible. John
the Baptist was the type, or forerunner, of the one preparing the way before
Christ's SECOND coming. As John was a voice crying out in the PHYSICAL
wilderness of the Jordan River, preparing the way for the HUMAN Jesus to come
to his MATERIAL temple in Jerusalem, to his PHYSICAL human people Judah,
with the gospel message about the FUTURE Kingdom of God, SO Malachi 3:1-5
and 4:5-6 foretell one in the power and spirit of Elijah to come in OUR TIME,
NOW--a voice crying out in the SPIRITUAL wilderness of modern religious
confusion, preparing the way for the DIVINE Christ to come to his SPIRITUAL
TEMPLE (his Church [Ephesians 2:21]) to ESTABLISH the KINGDOM OF GOD as
a ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT ushering in the happy, peaceful WORLD
The PLAIN TRUTH is one of the main spearheads of this Work shouting
forth that final MESSAGE to a dying world, just before the END of this violent
evil world, the coming of CHRIST, the expulsion of Satan the devil, and a world
The great Creator GOD raised up this Work, now powerful worldwide, in
1933--now in its 50th year. He showed me, in 1927--55 years ago, that GOD'S
way of life is GIVING--not GETTING. God's way is that of outflowing
LOVE--giving, serving, cooperating. This world has always lived the way of
GET--coveting, competition and strife with violence and war. I personally began
living the way of "GIVE" 55 years ago. The PLAIN TRUTH and the entire Work
behind it has been built on that PRINCIPLE. I found others also saw the
RIGHTNESS and practicality of that way. Jesus said, "IT is more blessed to GIVE
than to receive." Not many in the world believe that.
A very few, 19 in number, started out on that way with me in August,
Their unselfish GIVING, with me, started The PLAIN TRUTH and this Work. The
first issue of The PLAIN TRUTH, February, 1934, was only 350 copies. Today the
PLAIN TRUTH circulation is over 4,500,000 copies, with prospects of passing five
million by this year's end. It started WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTION PRICE REVENUE
or advertising. We sell nothing. We never solicit the public for money or
contributions. The number who chipped in and GAVE with me was very small in
1933-34. But it grew very gradually, and those who have joined me in giving,
we may give, have found GOD BLESSES AND PROSPERS THE GIVER. God
himself is the greatest GIVER of all. He GAVE his Son Jesus. HE GIVES eternal
life to those who turn to HIS WAY OF LIFE. He blesses the giver.
Now finally, I want to offer to you who did not receive my last
letter, and also to those who neglected to ask for it, an astounding book--an
eye-opening, surprising, interesting book, telling you WHERE the United States
and the British people are mentioned in the Bible, and what PROPHECY says
about us specifically. Churches, theologians, evangelists never seemed to see
remarkable TRUTH so PLAINLY revealed throughout the Bible. It's a 250-page