· Outgoing mail (including literature and all publications combined) was
62 percent over January and February of last year.
· Incoming mail was up 46 percent.
· U.S. PLAIN TRUTH circulation, including the newsstand program, was
almost three million in February, which was an 81 percent increase.
· By the end of last week, more than 19,000 youths (16 percent) requested
full subscription to YOUTH 82 in response to the semiannual letter that offered
sample issue.
THINK OF IT! 85,342 telephone calls SO FAR THIS YEAR! Think how
many people it takes to just answer that many telephone calls! And many of those
calling take time to ask questions or seek spiritual counseling and help!
The PLAIN TRUTH total circulation, worldwide, in all languages, is around
four and a half MILLION copies, read by from 10 to 14 MILLION people all
around the world.
On my recent Far East tour, I spoke to good-sized groups of PLAIN TRUTH
subscribers in Hong Kong (mostly or all Chinese), Bangkok (all Thais) and Tokyo
(all Japanese). These people not only read The PLAIN TRUTH, but they were
interested in God's truth to the extent they came to hear my personal message as
well. And in Manila, besides speaking to the Rotary Club and the Founders' Club
(1,000 present), audiences of 4,200 and 4,500 came to the Philippine
Convention Center to hear my message in person.
Hundreds of thousands and millions all over the world are hearing the one
TRUE GOSPEL MESSAGE, which was NOT PROCLAIMED to the world from
about the year A.D. 53 until 1953, when my voice carried it to all Europe over
world's most powerful radio station, Radio Luxembourg.
GOD IS BLESSING HIS WORK, which Jesus Christ is now carrying on
solely THROUGH US!
Let's increase our zeal, our interest in God's Work, our PRAYERS--and
even our financial support! God is blessing us so we do not have to go to the
to borrow at such high interest rates. Let's serve Him so He'll KEEP IT THAT
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong