preaching another gospel (Gal. 1:6-7). They were, he wrote the Corinthian
preaching a different Jesus and a different gospel (II Cor. 11:3-4), and, while
professing to be the ministers of Christ, were in fact ministers of Satan the
devil (II
Cor. 11:13-15).
Now what Gospel did Jesus preach? He proclaimed the Gospel of THE
KINGDOM OF GOD (Mark 1:1, 14-15). Paul preached only the Gospel of the
Kingdom of God to gentiles (Acts 28:30-31).
Paul wrote the Galatians, as quoted above, that the Gospel of the Kingdom
already was being suppressed. Instead of proclaiming Christ's Gospel about the
KINGDOM OF GOD, they proclaimed their own gospel about Christ. They
proclaimed that Jesus was the Christ, but His MESSAGE about the Kingdom they
Even today they proclaim MAN'S gospel about the Person of Christ,
keeping silent on Christ's Gospel OF THE KINGDOM.
UNDERSTAND THIS! Read the prophecy in Malachi 3:1, showing Jesus was
the Messenger sent from God with the Message of the NEW COVENANT--the
Message of the KINGDOM OF GOD. But men began proclaiming their own
message about the Messenger, but suppressing His Message. And it has continued
into our day now.
Dear brethren and co-workers, I began proclaiming CHRIST'S Gospel of
the Kingdom of God the first Sunday in 1934. A time cycle later, the first week
1953, I began proclaiming that Gospel to all of Europe over the world's most
powerful radio station, Radio Luxembourg. (A time cycle, when the sun, moon and
earth come into exact conjunction, is every 19 years.) That was also about a
century of time cycles after the apostle Paul wrote to Galatia about the Kingdom
Gospel being suppressed!
Now back to Jesus' prophecy in Matthew 24. He answered the disciples'
first question by saying they would need to be on guard against being deceived
by a false gospel, merely about Christ--saying Jesus was Christ, yet deceiving
MANY. People were deceived into even worshiping Christ. How could they
worship Christ and be deceived? Jesus said, "In vain do they worship me,
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men...laying aside the
commandments of God..." (Mark 7:7-8).
Let me make clear the connection. Christ's Gospel was the KINGDOM OF
GOD. The Kingdom of God is the GOVERNMENT of God, administered by the
FAMILY OF GOD--a Family into which true Spirit-begotten Christians shall be
born. God's GOVERNMENT is based on His LAW--His commandments. Most who
preach that Jesus is the Christ today also preach that God's commandments were
abolished--done away--"nailed to the cross." They preach their tradition of men
instead. They preach a different Jesus--one who "did away with His Father's
commandments," although Jesus Himself preached just the opposite.
The Gospel of the KINGDOM was not proclaimed to the world for about
1,900 years!