it is TRUE, as Jesus said, "It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive." We
practice the way of GIVING, and the living God does bless us in it! So THANK
YOU from the heart for allowing us the blessing of GIVING to you!
Now I have a most important new booklet with full-color illustrations,
that I
sincerely want you to have. As always, it's FREE for the asking. Its title is
Before Understood--Why Humanity Cannot Solve Its Evils. It begins: "Today
nuclear weapons threaten human extinction. WHY? What happens now? WHY do
we lack the know-how to solve world troubles?"
It goes on to show you a new, eye-opening originaI CAUSE for the
astounding paradox--20th-century AWESOME progress and achievement--yet
APPALLING evils, violence, general discontent, unhappiness, human suffering
and wretchedness!
Believe me, IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES to something you never realized
before! You may have your free copy, gratis, which I have set aside for you, for
the asking.
And if you did not order the 196-page full book I offered some seven
months ago, The United States and Britain in Prophecy, showing where the United
States and British nations are mentioned in biblical prophecies, and what is to
befall our own beloved countries VERY SOON, be sure to order it also. Of course
it is FREE--and I mean FREE! It is ASTOUNDING truth! It's the KEY to
understanding all PROPHECY--and a third of the Bible is devoted to prophecy.
You CAN KNOW what now lies immediately ahead!
THANK YOU sincerely, for allowing us the blessing of GIVING to you. A
self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your reply. Use it before you lay this
Most sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
P.S. By the way, our managing editor just came into my office (I have now
returned to Pasadena) and asked for a new policy on a new magazine we started
publishing this year for youths, ages 12 to 19. I remember a magazine called, I
believe, Youths' Home Companion, when I was a boy. I feel our new magazine
YOUTH 81, which will be YOUTH 82 starting January, is a better magazine for
teenagers than the one I knew as a boy, although it is as yet not as large. Let
add here, if you have children or grandchildren of that age who would like to
a copy, we should be happy to send a free copy. If the youth or youths like it,
year's subscription would then be sent on request--NO SUBSCRIPTION PRICE,
of course. It is really an attractive magazine, and will be increased in size
the coming year.