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Herbert W. Armstrong Post Office Box 431, Tucson, Arizona 85702
July 14, 1981
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:
It's time to bring you up to date on the most important activity on
Here we are into midsummer, 1981. I wrote to you at the beginning of this year
that we were starting on perhaps the most important year of God's Work in these
very last days of this world.
We had been two and a half years getting the Work of God and the people
of God BACK ON THE TRACK. Now it was time to start moving powerfully as we
round the turn coming in on the homestretch. I told you of plans to plunge the
Work forward at increased speed this year. For two years God had blest us by not
having to borrow at the bank for the first time in years. Our budget was
I urged you to make sacrifices financially, give extra generous offerings
tithes this year, that we might go on more and more television and radio
and otherwise step up our efforts to get this last warning Gospel Message to a
dying world. It was to cost more money to do a bigger work.
YOU RESPONDED LOYALLY! Financial income began to increase. We
were nearing 30 percent increase once again for the first time in 12 years. I
stepped up the recording of TV and radio programs in advance of airing. The new
series of programs began producing a far bigger response than previous
programs. Since the first of the year the programs have brought in 44,200 new
first-time responses, requesting literature. Ten percent of these voluntarily
sent in
contributions, even though I never ask for contributions on the air.
What a coincidence of TITHING! I don't mean money, but 10 percent of
those who voluntarily send a contribution on first request later become co-
And 10 percent of co-workers become members! That is our experience.
Since the first of this year, 3,423 of these first-time responses from
programs, after receiving literature, have requested contact with a minister.
Our experience over 47 years indicates that each new first-time request
represents 1,000 who listened, or viewed the program. This would indicate that
have actually reached with Christ's Message more than 44 MILLION adults in the
United States alone since the first of the year--and the number of stations we
on is very small compared to some 12 years ago. And those 44 MILLION are NOT
hearing Christ's true Message on any other program. Our program is as different
as day from night.
All this is for the U.S. alone. Increases in Canada, Europe, Australia,