Along the way, during more than 1,900 years since Christ
taught the first apostles, much truth was lost and much pagan
belief became injected.
Among truths lost was the KEY that unlocks biblical prophecy
to our understanding. That key has been preserved in the Bible. But
the churches called Christian have lost it.
This vital key concerns the true identity of the American,
British and English-speaking peoples. WHERE, for instance, is the
United States mentioned in the Bible or its prophecies? Where
Britain, Canada, Australia or New Zealand? The TRUTH is more
astonishing than any fiction.
I have written a book on this subject, titled The United
States and Britain in Prophecy. Approximately a third of all the
Bible is prophecy--yet this third is largely overlooked. This
newfound key opens up the real meaning behind world conditions
right now--and reveals what now lies immediately ahead. I'd like to
send you a copy, gratis. Also I'll see that another full years'
subscription to The PLAIN TRUTH magazine is entered in your name.
This, I know, is a most unusual offer. But, as it already has
brought important and valuable UNDERSTANDING to thousands, I want
you to share in this revelation of lost TRUTH.
A self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your reply. I'm
sure you will find it exciting, interesting and more than helpful.
And we have some most interesting, informative and important
articles coming in each issue of The PLAIN TRUTH.
THANK YOU sincerely for enjoying it.
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
P.S.: The book I offered last November, The Missing
Dimension in Sex, was greatly delayed by the publishers. Those
books have just been mailed out.
Herbert W. Armstrong Post Office Box 431, Tucson, Arizona 85702
Honolulu, Hawaii
May 18, 1981
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:
I am sending this letter to you along with the special
semiannual letter to all PLAIN TRUTH subscribers. A revised copy of
the book The United States and Britain in Prophecy has already been
sent to you.
My wife and I, with Bob Fahey and his wife, are on the way
home from a visit to Australia and New Zealand. It was a MOST