We have not closed the deal. While in Europe we went
also to Geneva, Lausanne, Berne, Basle, and Zurich. We want to be
SURE our European home is in the exact proper location. I had a
personal conference with an official in our American Embassy at
Berne who devotes his time to a study of educational opportunities
for Americans in Switzerland. He agreed definitely with the
conclusion we had come to after inspecting all these cities---the
two most desirable locations are Geneva and Lugano. And until we
decide WHICH---and PRAY, and WAIT ON GOD until God reveals to us
definitely HIS WILL, we shall make no definite commitments. We
must be SURE! But, once we have thoroughly investigated, have come
into possession of ALL THE FACTS, are sure of GOD'S WILL, then we
shall not hesitate to act, and then we will know God will back us
up and bless the undertaking with success. But I will say that, at
this writing, I do feel a conviction that God has definitely opened
this marvelous, most unusual place to us in Lugano, and is
definitely leading us to go ahead and close the deal. But I must
be SURE beyond any doubt, so will wait a little longer. It
certainly seems a MIRACLE that such a place is offered us on such
an unheard-of basis. It's just unbelievable. But such things are
possible with God, and He has shown His hand is definitely guiding
this work!
But the point I want to make plain is that this European
property is not being considered merely as the home of the fourth,
or senior year, of the College. It is FAR MORE THAN THAT!
The college is only a necessary means to an END! The END
is to proclaim powerfully the GOSPEL in all nations of the world!
If we do acquire this very splendid European property it will be
not only the seat of our college in Europe---it will also be the
most splendid property in London. Preliminary plans were laid on
our recent visit there for reaching all England, and all Europe,
with the Gospel Message as soon as we are ready to expand the work
to those nations. And that time must come within three years!
Before leaving this subject let me make one point plain.
We do NOT contemplate, as some have seemed to suppose, two colleges
---one in Pasadena and one in Europe. It is all to be the one
college, but with its American unit and its European unit. All
students will spend the first three years of study at the college
in Pasadena. Then, the forty top-qualifying seniors will go abroad
for their fourth year of study. It will be a full calendar year.
The first month will be spent in London, and England. Tentative
plans were laid while we were there for a most unusual one-month
course of study there, under guidance of a British professor. This
will be followed by a nine-months term at Lugano---or at Geneva.
Then the European year will be concluded by a one-month tour of the
Holy Land and the Mediterranean, after which students will return
to Pasadena for graduation.
Our plans for AMBASSADOR COLLEGE already are attracting
international attention. We were interviewed by London newspaper
reporters, and a story written about AMBASSADOR COLLEGE for a chain
of British newspapers. Officials at Columbia University, the