Herbert W. Armstrong Post Office Box 431, Tucson, Arizona 85702
Tucson, Arizona
December 28, 1980
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:
Enclosed is your annual receipt for payment of God's tithes and giving of
your freewill offerings for the calendar year 1980. Separate receipts will be
for Worldwide Church of God and for Ambassador College.
On behalf of Jesus Christ, and with all my heart, I thank you for your
faithfulness and liberality.
We are now off to a flying start on a new year--the second year of a new
decade which may well be the last decade of this present evil world. We're
in on the final accelerated dash of the great Work to which the living Christ
called us--preparing for His coming in supreme POWER and GLORY to establish
the KINGDOM OF GOD, ushering in the wonderful WORLD TOMORROW!
1980 has been an inspiring year of final preparation for this final leap
the Work preparing for Christ's coming. During the past two and a half years
we have been PREPARING OURSELVES--getting the people of God BACK ON
THE TRACK--back where the living Jesus Christ can really USE US in this final
phase of His Work prior to His coming!
We are all set now for the greatest leap ahead in the Work since this
phase of God's Work started 47 years ago.
This year we hope to greatly increase the power of the Work in television,
radio and putting large-space Gospel messages in magazines like Reader's Digest
and TV Guide--both of which we have used in the past--and full-page newspaper
messages like those now running in The Wall Street Journal. Also in countries
like Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany, Holland.
I am now recording ahead at least two TV half-hour programs and two radio
half hours every week, except when I am away.
I shall be leaving Friday of this week on a trip to the far Pacific--Tokyo
and Manila, Philippines. I expect to speak before important groups at both
beside our own churches at Honolulu and Manila.
The year 1980 has brought us, before the end of the year, back up to the
30 percent increase in both the power and scope of the Work, and in conversions,
baptisms and new members, in the U.S., in Canada, in Britain, Holland, Germany
and elsewhere around the world.
To give you just a glimpse of the scope of the Work--in the United States
alone--during 1980:
· 15.2 million PLAIN TRUTH magazines went into the hands of subscribers