That's WHY Christ put GOD'S GOVERNMENT into His CHURCH--a
government of LOVE, based on God's Law, which is LOVE. And if we
will not BE ruled by that Government now, we shall not be given
power to RULE in God's Kingdom!
Brethren, Satan hates this Church because WE are being
trained to REPLACE HIM ON THAT THRONE! Satan wants to divide us!
Satan wants you in Australia to think of yourselves as just "THE
AUSTRALIAN WORK." He wants to instill in your hearts a feeling
of prejudice against your BRETHREN in America, in Africa, Asia,
South America. He wants you to think Christ's Apostle hated his own
son and did wrong in disfellowshipping him from the Church--whereas
you DON'T KNOW how it hurt me through and through to have to do
that! But I must serve CHRIST first of all--and so must you!
So let us put all prejudicial or partial thinking out of our
minds. Let us REPENT and turn from all that--and a few of you have
let Satan deceive you in it! GOD L O V E S you and as His servant
so do I. I have made great sacrifices that the precious Truth of
GOD might come to you--that you might be called into this common
heritage with us all! I love you all--I pray regularly for you
all--I need your prayers and love. In LOVE we will go forth
into the KINGDOM OF GOD, and God's PEACE and SALVATION shall come
to all.
I wish you all a JOYFUL Feast of Tabernacles, looking forward
changed into GOD-BEINGS --IMMORTAL--and reign with and under Him
over all the earth!
With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong