share a common heritage!
That common heritage is neither Australian nor American, nor
European, nor African. It is a common heritage as co-heirs with
Jesus Christ in the great Family of GOD-BEINGS, far transcending
any heritage in this world!
The scanty embryonic Work in your country took root and began
to grow. I sent Mr. Waterhouse to Sydney to establish an office.
Then I visited the office and the few brethren already brought into
Christ's fold at the time.
We had opposition. The newspapers opposed. The churches
opposed. It has always been, in Australia, NOT a matter of
Australia against us in the United States--but SATAN who is in
EVERY country AGAINST CHRIST! Satan battles us in Pasadena--
throughout America--in England--in Africa, Germany--everywhere!
It is not a matter of nationality! It is not a matter of
color, race or country. Satan fights us in Black Africa--in all
countries. But in God's CHURCH we are neither Jew nor Greek, black,
yellow or white, Australian or American--WE ARE ALL ONE FAMILY--
How WONDERFUL that is! And we share the common HOPE--we shall
be together as ONE divine FAMILY OF GOD--actually immortal
GOD-Beings--bound together in LOVE.
But as of now, Satan would like to DIVIDE US in prejudices,
misunderstandings, false rumors, suspicions. Satan is working in
EVERY country.
But there was a time when I myself--and YOU ALSO--were
spiritually DEAD "in trespasses and sins." We walked and lived
according to the ways of THIS world of Satan's--the way of the
"PRINCE of the POWER OF THE AIR" (Ephesians 2:2) with a suspicious,
resentful, hostile spirit and attitude--as a part of THIS WORLD.
But now Christ has rescued us from that--has "quickened"--
given us GOD'S SPIRIT (Ephesians 2:1). First He called me, back in
Jesus Christ had all of YOU in mind--but He had to deal with
me a while first. After I had been successful in Satan's world, in
business as a young man in his twenties, making the equivalent of
$175,000 a year by age 28, God had taken that all away. He had
reduced me to poverty and hunger--one threadbare suit, one pair of
"righteous" shoes with holey soles, no home, no car, paying $7 a
month rent.
This is how Christ STARTED getting His Truth to YOU! Without
anything to give, I was started out by Him, first GIVING my very
self and life to HIM--then starting to GIVE His TRUTH which He had
given me, to others by preaching in a one-room country schoolhouse
with 36 seats. I was started GIVING with no money or worldly goods
to give--but God had made me rich in HIS TRUTH and I had much of
that to GIVE.