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Herbert W. Armstrong Post Office Box 431, Tucson, Arizona, 85702
August 27, 1980
Dear Co-Workers and Brethren in Christ:
The 1980 presidential election campaign is in full swing--and red-hot!
On August 27 the candidates were DEBATING on HOW to debate! They accuse
each other, promise what they think will win votes.
But inflation and unemployment continue. World troubles escalate. Even
the Soviet Union has serious trouble in Poland. Will Poland free itself from
Soviet domination and join with Yugoslavia, Rumania and possibly
Czechoslovakia--and with Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and
Austria--in a resurrected medieval "Holy Roman Empire" to dominate Europe
and equal the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. in world power?
And of course human morals continue descending down below the cesspool;
home and family life is fast disappearing; crime, violence and threats of war
rampage. With weapons of mass destruction now available in several nations
that can erase HUMANITY from the earLh, WHAT HOPE, if any, can the politicians
offer a frustrated and hopeless world?
Meanwhile, in all this wilderness of CONFUSION, a voice cries out with
the world's ONLY and its SURE HOPE!
Many evangelical churches are now plunging headlong into the political
campaign to elect Ronald Reagan. But the churches calling themselves "Christian"
do not know that the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is the GOOD NEWS of the
coming KINGDOM OF GOD!--a totally different kind of government!
The Kingdom of God shall rule ALL NATIONS with a government now
NEW to this world--the Government of GOD! More, this world's churches know
nothing of what tomorrow's world will be like under that Government!
This voice cries out worldwide that the Government of GOD will usher
Don't laugh at that word UTOPIA! I well know it is regarded in today's
frustrated world as an impractical, impossible joke! Indeed Webster defines
it: "an imaginary and indefinitely remote place; a place of ideal perfection,
especially in laws, government and social conditions; an impractical scheme
for social improvement."
Jesus Christ was no impractical dreamer. His Gospel was the GOOD NEWS
that a coming UTOPIA shall be REAL--it is ASSURED!
WHY should it be impossible to have ideal perfection--in government
and social conditions--in civilization?
Human nature, you answer? But in the World Tomorrow, which Jesus
announced, human nature shall be GONE! It shall be replaced by the divine
nature (II Peter 1:4).
The earth then will be as full of the knowledge and ways of God as the
ocean floors are covered with water (Isaiah 11:9).