more wattage of radio time than any program on earth. Would that expenditure
have been approved?
Meanwhile, the income for this rapidly growing worldwide Work obeying
Jesus Christ's commission was increasing as its needed expenditures mounted.
WHERE DID THAT MONEY COME FROM? We never solicited the public.
We never charged for anything. We GAVE one of the world's finest mass-
magazines (published in five languages), with NO SUBSCRIPTION PRICE--and
The Work growing WORLDWIDE was all G I V E!
God did, as in the first century, continually "add to the Church such as
should be saved." And, as the Bible commands, these members paid their first
tithe (10% of income) to GOD through His Church.
That money is GOD'S money--not public money. In addition, a small
percentage of listeners to the broadcast and subscribers to the
"no-subscription-price" PLAIN TRUTH began--unsolicited--sending regularly
tithes or freewill offerings. But these STARTED CONTRIBUTING
V O L U N T A R I L Y of their own free will!
It was GOD'S MONEY--not public money.
God had built this great worldwide Work through me as His chosen Apostle.
MESSAGE. It was HIS money that came--without solicitation or charging--and
I was accountable to HIM, not the California attorney general for the way HE
directed it to be handled.
We have through the years made continual reports to the Church of the
operations of its Work, the expenditures of God's money and direction of God's
We have made full and regular reports, submitted to regular audit and
examination and scrutiny of receipt and disbursement of funds of GOD'S MONEY
to the Internal Revenue Service of the federal government, and to the Franchise
Tax Board of the State of California, who usually have accepted the IRS audits
as official.
I just felt that our co-workers, members and occasional voluntary donors
would be interested in this explanation of the financial operations of this
world-encompassing Work of GOD. All finances are handled by one of the finest,
most advanced systems of accounting anywhere in the world. In addition to
our own auditors and the federal IRS, we employ one of the largest and most
reputable firms of certified public accountants in the nation, Arthur Andersen &
Co., who regularly audit our books.
It's time the PEOPLE know the TRUTH about this political attack against
the CHURCH in violation of the Constitution of the U.S.A.
It's true, we have to ASK GOD, in prayer, as Jesus taught us to pray,
us this day our daily bread." There is ALWAYS a NEED in this great Work of