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simply tell the public THE TRUTH, THE
TRUTH, at our expense. We do not
(begin column 3)
attack or strive to harm anyone!
In the massive lawsuit brought
against GOD'S Church by the office of
the California attorney general, such
church bodies as the National Council of
Churches of Christ in the United States,
the Catholic League, the Board of
Church and Society of the United
Methodist Church, the Baptist Joint
Committee on Public Affairs and others,
representing 83 million American
citizens, have come to our aid.
These large church bodies do not
believe all our doctrines, even as they do
not believe one another's, nor we theirs.
But they do believe in the First
Amendment of the Constitution,
guaranteeing the right of freedom
of religion. When you subtly back up
this lawsuit and attack the Worldwide
Church of God on the most-viewed program
on national television, you indirectly
attacked all other churches. In defending
ourselves from this corrupt political
attack we defend all other churches
in California, and by extension, in
We are comparatively small, yet we
fight to uphold the RIGHTS of all
churches in this land of the free
and home of the brave.
If you want more information, write
to us: The Worldwide Church of God,
Box 111, Pasadena, Calif, 91123, or call
our toll-free number: (800) 423-4444. In
California, call collect (213) 577-5225.
(Mr.Armstrong's signature appeared here)
Herbert W. Armstrong
Pastor General
Worldwide Church of God
Pasadena, California