It is now out in a NEW, REVISED, COMPLETE EDITION. It is not a
cheap pamphlet, or even a booklet--it is a full (though not large) BOOK!
It is vital to YOUR LIFE.
And so I have decided to offer you this new, revised, updated BOOK,
FREE, gratis, as a gift of my love. I want you to have this precious
UNDERSTANDING! I want to share it with you. I want to GIVE it to you,
on your request.
So be sure and write me immediately for YOUR FREE copy of The United
States and Britain ln Prophecy. READ IT AT ONCE. It may be the most
important book you ever read.
With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
(The following is a copy of the ad referred to by Mr. Armstrong on page 1,
paragraph 4 of the above letter. The first six lines are centered, and in
enlarged print, taking up the first 1/2 of an 8-1/2 x 11 page. The following
text was divided into three fine print columns, filling the other half of the
page. A small picture of Mr. Armstrong was centered at the top of the second,
or middle column. [Please delete this note.]).
Mike Wallace,
on 60 Minutes
did you not tell
plain truth?
IN 60 Minutes (CBS, June 8)
you took a second swat at the
You attempted a second
"under-the-belt smear" by using
the term, "God and Mammon." You
covered and misrepresented only
part of the financial picture--only
that which would defame and
discredit the Church of Almighty
GOD. YOU called us a "wealthy
church." We are not. You made us
look wealthy by saying our financial
income is greater than that of Billy
Graham or Oral Roberts combined.
Whether true or false, I respectfully
point out that we are a CHURCH.
They are merely evangelistic and