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the end come."
And then--WHAT? Following the proclaiming of this very Gospel OF
THE KINGDOM, shall come the GREAT TRlBULATlON--a time of world trouble--
especially on the U.S. and Britain (Jer. 30:7)--a trouble so great NO HUMAN
24:21-22). Then false preachers will be multiplied (verse 24).
This false religious TV program was preaching on God's Holy Days and
Festivals, but he totally MISREPRESENTED their MEANING! For example,
he said the Passover was fulfilled and ended in Christ--therefore no longer in
force. He talked about the Feast of Tabernacles, putting a ridiculous and
interpretation on its meaning, with some imaginary event to happen in about
2 1/2 years! Yet thousands will gullibly accept this, hook, line, and sinker!
This particular TV program, like all others except The WORLD TOMORROW,
made Christianity a religion of GETTING. There are only TWO broad, general
WAYS or philosophies of living. Satan's way is GETTING--TAKING. God's way
of life is GIVING--or outflowing LOVE to God and to neighbor. The FALSE
prophets of Satan talk about GETTING--that is, RECEIVING Christ. They talk
about Jesus, but say little about God the Father or our special relationship to
Him. They are already "born again." They are already in THE KINGDOM OF
GOD, for they represent falsely that RECEIVING Christ (GETTING) puts one
in the Kingdom of God. They represent falsely that the CHURCH is the Kingdom.
They say we go to heaven at death, while JESUS said "NO MAN has ascended
into heaven, except HE, Himself" (John 3:13).
Excuse the above. But when I view and hear a false religious program,
where they use enough truth to make it sound true to a deceived world then
mislead the audience on so many basic TRUTHS, it is difficult for me not to
be angry! The TRUTH is so PLAIN--so SIMPLE--I ask why do they have to pervert
it, twist it, proclaim just the OPPOSITE?
God give me added STRENGTH and POWER to continue on, even though
I'm approaching ninety until GOD'S PLAIN TRUTH has reached the whole world.
Thank you for your prayers!
The Book of Revelation, especially the 6th chapter explained by Jesus
(Matthew 24), and the 13th and 17th chapters, give an overall summary.
Jesus explained that when His Gospel of the Kingdom of God is preached
in all the world for a witness to all nations, that is the sign of the nearness
of Christ's coming to establish the Kingdom of God and to rule all nations for
the next thousand years (Matt. 24:14). That will be a new world, and THE END
of this present evil world.
By about the middle of the first century the Gospel Message brought from
God by Jesus Christ was perverted and a different gospel about the Person of
Christ, denying His Message was proclaimed (Gal. 1:6-7). The true Gospel Message
was not again proclaimed to the world until January, 1953--one hundred
time-cycles later.
Next is to come a flood of false preachers, claiming to preach in Christ's
name (see II Cor. 11:13-15). We are seeing that now, deceiving the world.