But now Mr. Carter has said that entrance of the Soviet military forces
into the Persian Gulf WILL MEAN WAR!
Now WAIT A MINUTE!!! Breshnev and his fellows at the Kremlin will
THINK THAT ONE OVER! So must Mr. Carter's administration!
1) The U.S. does not want to fight a nuclear war with Russia. Russia
does not want to fight a nuclear war with the U.S. They could DESTROY EACH
2) The U.S. does not have the military ability to fight Russia with
conventional warfare in her own backyard--the Persian Gulf--so far from the
American forces would either LOSE, or be forced to turn such war into a NUCLEAR
war! The Kremlin, of course, knows that also.
3) President Carter has DRAWN THE LINE. If the Soviets cross it--it's
WAR! (Or else a TOTAL loss of face for the U.S.A. and prestige in the world.)
Now what will the Soviets DO? It's their move! Will they decide Mr. Carter
is too weak to back up his threat of WAR, and decide they may go ahead and
get away with it? I do not think so. I think that is a chance the Kremlin will
not take. I think, as I wrote before, the Russian Bear will slow down its pace,
go ahead and make their intervention in Afghanistan solid and complete, keep
poised, READY to invade Yugoslavia, or Germany, Austria, France, AS A THREAT
in a stepped-up WAR OF NERVES!
Now, meanwhile, the IMPORTANT consideration is WHAT IS HAPPENING
The President has sent two high emissaries to try to swing European
(NATO members) over to the U.S. side--to boycott the Olympics.
As I write, President Tito of Yugoslavia is at point of death. News
say he has passed the "point of no return." His death will SPEED UP the
resurrection of the medieval "Holy Roman Empire" in Europe.
Josip Broz Tito is just two months older than I. He would be 88 May 25.
Russian troops have been massing near the Yugoslav border recently.
This is stirring excitement and concern in Europe and in Washington. President
Carter recently had a private telephone conversation with Tito. He has promised
military aid, in case of Soviet invasion. Military aid in this case evidently
sending military arms and supplies.
Now just what will happen?
The whole world stands poised, now, for major climactic events, as things
move much more swiftly toward the grand CLIMAX AT THE CLOSE OF THE
AGE. The world crisis DEEPENS week by week. News is happening MUCH
The furor President Tito's imminency of death has caused in Europe and