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It is now Thursday, January 24. I wrote the above after evening TV news on
all three
networks, until after 11:00 p.m., and then after midnight again.
Now I want to give you news of the progress of God's Work AROUND THE
WORLD. Yesterday
I spent the time from 12:00 noon lunch until nightly newscasts with Messrs. Dean
manager of the Work in Australia and Eastern Asia, Leslie McCullough, head of
the Work in
Canada and supervisor over foreign Work, and Joseph Tkach of Ministerial
Services in Pasadena.
Mr. McCullough had recently returned from a visit to South Africa and
Britain. The report
these men had for the overseas Work was exciting. EVERYWHERE around the world,
Jesus Christ is
speeding up the Work! It has taken on NEW LIFE and is surging ahead at increased
First let me give you a report on South Africa. The very first service
there was March
23, 1963, conducted by Gerald Waterhouse; 33 in attendance. That was the START!
There has been steady growth. Average attendance, 1979: Johannesburg, 478;
started 1965, now 223. Cape Town, started 1973, now 180. Salisbury, Rhodesia,
started 1972,
now 157. Pretoria started 1975, now 152. There are 9 other churches in South
Africa, and the
combined average attendance, including the above, is now averaging 1,834.
We operate a good-sized office in Johannesburg, of several office rooms.
12 full-time
ministers serve the 14 churches. There are also 16 other outlying Bible studies
From 1954 to 1972 we broadcasted half-hour programs over Radio Lourenco
1975-1977, broadcasted over Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation. 1977 to now,
Radio Swaziland.
Incidentally, I have made three visits myself to South Africa, and have
spoken to all
our principal churches there, besides many other speeches before Rotary and
other such clubs,
public evangelistic services well advertised, and other clubs and groups. I have
visited with
the King of Swaziland, besides many other leaders, including the Prime Minister
of South
We have been on TV in Rhodesia in 1973 and 1975-1977.
The PLAIN TRUTH is on newsstands in South Africa--1973 to now.
Approximately 30,000