because a SHORT WORK will the Lord make upon the earth"!
The sudden emergence of the new Polish Pope, John Paul Il, as the world's
only STRONG LEADER may well presage the rapid resumption of prophesied
world events! There are no more Teddy Roosevelts, FDRs, Winston Churchills,
or Stalins. Be sure to read the article about the Pope's U.S. tour in the
PLAIN TRUTH. I sent our Gene Hogberg to cover the Pope's appearances in
Boston, New York, Des Moines (in the very suburb where I once lived), Chicago
and Washington. It is a journalistic masterpiece.
The Eternal God has raised up THIS WORK to prepare the way for Christ's
soon coming in SUPREME POWER AND GLORY to rule all nations, bring in
a NEW civilization under the GOVERNMENT OF GOD over ALL NATIONS,
with WORLD PEACE, and eternal salvation offered to ALL!
Our time is now SHORT, and growing daily shorter! World troubles will
mount into troubles such as NEVER WERE BEFORE, and never will be again.
But then Jesus Christ will come in all His supernatural POWER to bring us PEACE,
and a REAL HOPE, at last!
I am leaving in about two weeks for a visit to the largest-populated
on earth--the Peoples' Republic of China--AT THEIR INVITATION, as a guest
of the government. Several meetings with top leaders are planned, beside a
banquet hosted by the government in my honor, with about 400 Chinese leaders,
at which I will be expected to speak for perhaps 35 or 40 minutes. It is the
FIRST TIME any religious leader from the world of Christianity has been so
invited. I would like your earnest PRAYERS for my health on this trip, and
for inspiration of HOW to deliver to the HEADS of this greatest of nations
CHRIST'S TRUE GOSPEL! It will be the greatest test of my life--for they are
atheists! But God will guide me!
Right now, while heads-of government, news analysts and forecasters
worry, wonder, and speculate on the immediate future, The PLAIN TRUTH
magazine will keep you informed IN ADVANCE. We are God's chosen spokesmen
for the God who controls the universe. He controls the destiny of the human
race. He reveals the end from the beginning in biblical PROPHECY.
We are now rapidly approaching the time of the world's greatest CRISIS,
when this whole man-made civilization will crumble and fall--and a NEW WORLD
OF PEACE AND ETERNAL SALVATION will dawn, at Christ's soon coming
in POWER and GLORY! God has decreed that the warning Message must now
go to the world (Matthew 24:14).
This is the Message of the world's ONLY and SURE HOPE! We are definitely
NOW at the "TIME OF THE END," when the prophet Daniel says, "none of the
wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand" (Dan. 12:10). Keep
reading diligently every issue of The PLAIN TRUTH, and be one of the wise.
Doomsday preachers now intone it. TV commentators broadcast it. All
evidence seems to indicate it--pollution, unprecedented crime and violence,
morals in the cesspool, wars in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South America,
family life breaking down. ALL signs point to the END of this civilization!
But TOMORROW a new world of PEACE, happiness, abundance and eternal