point to the fact that he can be the Pope that will initiate
this European reunion, in a "United States of Europe."
As a matter of fact, his having come from Poland, and
the effect of his visit there, indicate that instead of
the coming "resurrected" Holy Roman Empire including such
nations of Israelitish ancestry as Holland, Denmark,
Norway and Sweden, the ten nations to compose it may include
such nations--now Russian satellites--as Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Romania and Yugoslavia. The latter two are long since,
to a considerable degree, independent of the Kremlin.
The Soviet Union may soon experience a breakaway of some
of the Balkan satellite nations. It does seem that the
nations of Israelitish ancestry, in western and northwestern
Europe, would likely be excluded from the coming ten-nation
"Roman Empire."
Once in a while, I cannot avoid reflecting on the
fact that I have lived a longer-than-average life. From
the viewpoint that most lives have ended several years
earlier than mine, I could certainly conclude--as I am
aware many have concluded--that my lifetime is nearing
its end--though I know God can keep me alive as long as
He needs me in His Work and His Church. Abraham, Moses,
and others lived to a much older life than I have so far.
Yet, this very circumstance makes me realize that
THIS WORLD is now very old, and nearing its END! We are
in the LAST DAYS! I think it is important that you (ministers
and wives) realize this fact--that the imminence of the
END of this present evil world's life is much more real
than many of us have realized.
As we approach this year's Feast of Tabernacles it
is important that we REALIZE also that although Christ
has moved swiftly this past year and more to set His Church
back on God's track, we as a Church are NOT yet ready
for either the protection promised us from the imminent
GREAT TRIBULATION, or for the coming of Christ.
What we all need seriously now, is real FASTING,
and fervent PRAYER, before the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles!
We must be vigilant in this, and put it first in
our lives to avoid neglect--for the TIME IS NOW SHORTER
Now let me add this much to you brethren and co-workers:
I shall not attempt to appear and speak at ALL United
States and Canada Festival sites this year. But I plan
to open at the Feast site here in Tucson, Arizona, then
fly to Savannah, Georgia, where I plan to speak Thursday,
then to St. Petersburg, Florida for the last great eighth
Mr. Rader is still in Peking, China, working out
plans for my official visit there, about the first of
November. It will be an official visit, arranged by the