are simply...
WALLACE: Well, now [there are] some people who are not in the so-called
dissidents group,
who are also disenchanted, who say, 'Why don't we simply open up our books, we
nothing to hide.'
RADER: I say that. And I'm certainly not a dissident. I've opened up the
books of
this organization eight separate times to the Internal Revenue Service--eight
times--and received a complete bill of health. And they start with the same
question: 'Are you a Church and are you continuing to operate exclusively for
purposes for which you were established?' The last time the IRS was here, they
eighteen months (WALLACE: Looking for...?) looking over everything.
WALLACE: And you got a clean bill of health?
RADER: A clean bill of health.
WALLACE: So you are satisfied that the...there are no financial improprieties
None.) involved.
RADER: It's a red herring. A total red herring. And everyone who has been
for bringing those false allegations will rue the day that they did.
WALLACE: But, I have here a press release saying on January 3, 1979, signed by
Armstrong, which says if any improprieties have existed in either institution--
the Church of God or Ambassador College--'I want them to be known and I will
every effort to cooperate with the Attorney General's office. We are an
of forty-six years standing...'
RADER: Exactly, and I will state the very same words again and I have shouted
practically from the rooftops and I have laid the gauntlet down at the Attorney
General's feet. If there are any improprieties we will deal with the Attorney
We will deal in the proper forum at the proper time, but get the receiver out of
Get the dirty hands and the dirty feet of the receiver out of this Church.
a big difference; Mr. Armstrong does not mention the word 'receiver' in there
No.) He mentions cooperation with the Attorney General. I am appealing right
to the United States' Attorney General, to Griffin Bell, to come in here and put