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Herbert W. Armstrong
P.O. Box 431
Tucson, Arizona 85702
April 16, 1979
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:
The persecution continues. Nevertheless we are winning round after
round in this monstrous court battle of the State of California trying to
take over and operate the CHURCH of the living GOD!
Could the politicians of the State of California teach YOU what to
believe about GOD? Could scheming, mercenary politicians direct the preaching
of Christ's Gospel to the world, when they don't know even what that Gospel
is? Ridiculous? Yes, but that is precisely what the State government of
California is trying to do!
And NOW the top-rated, most listened-to program on television, "60
Minutes," takes a below-the-belt swat at the Church and Work of the living
GOD! I'm sure many of you saw this program, aired last night, April 15,
over CBS.
I could not resist thinking, that if Mike Wallace, chief spokesman on
"60 Minutes," were to have an interview with me (which he wanted, but I
flatly refused), I should say, "Let me say this first, before you start
asking questions. Both you and I are before the public, carrying messages
to masses of people. But there is THIS DIFFERENCE" I try to reach the
people with the message of the world's ONLY HOPE--and the SURE hope of the
coming KINGDOM OF GOD. This will usher in a NEW WORLD OF PEACE, HAPPINESS,
"You try to ferret out sensational BAD NEWS--to reach the public with
an exposure of what you can paint in a bad, evil light. You are out to
ACCUSE, TO EXPOSE what you (often falsely) represent as wrongdoing.
"Those are two opposite motives--my motive is to know and declare to
the public the only UPLIFTING GOOD NEWS of GOD'S WAY of 'GIVE' rather than
Satan's way of 'GET.' Your motive and mine are as far apart as the poles.
So now go ahead with your effort to ferret out of me something you can paint
to the world as 'BAD.'"
Well, I have not granted any such interview or press conference. One
reason is that only ONCE, out of hundreds of times I have been questioned
by reporters, have they reported what I said. All other times I was misquoted.
I think that once was a daily newspaper in either Ghana or Liberia in black
But Stanley Rader did grant an interview with Mike Wallace, in Garner
Ted's former office. The interview lasted some two hours or more. TV
cameras were present. They used only a small portion of that interview
on the air--just the portions they felt would make the Church of the
living GOD look BAD.
To reproduce for you, here, the entire interview would take some
75 pages. But I do reproduce for you here the beginning, and I have left
off when the conversation got into private personalities.