are competent and experienced. We must not rely on them alone
but cry out to the great God to look down on this foul persecution, and
deliver His Church and His people, so that we may get on with God's
Work. In the LIVING GOD is our trust and hope!
We need to remember that God's people always have been persecuted--
and often by the powers of worldly government.
It started with Abel, second son of Adam and Eve. He was martyred
by his elder brother Cain. The Children of Israel were severely
persecuted in cruel slavery by the government of Egypt, until God
delivered them. Moses was persecuted and accused from WITHIN the
nation Israel--yet God protected and delivered him.
King David of Israel was harrassed by persecution. But God
delivered him. The kingdom of Judah was persecuted, and finally taken
into slavery by the Chaldean Empire.
Daniel's three companions, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were
persecuted by the Government--literally thrown into a whitehot furnace
alive. But GOD delivered them, and not even their clothes were scorched
by the fire. Daniel was thrown into the lion's den by the government;
because he prayed three times a day, God shut the lions' mouths.
Jesus, the Son of God, was terribly persecuted, evilly spoken of,
falsely accused, and finally put to death by the Roman government.
God delivered Him by a resurrection. Jesus said that if they persecuted
Him, so would they persecute us.
Early Christians were cruelly tortured to death by governments
Paul was beaten "with stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent,
in deaths oft . . . Thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day have
I been in the deep. . . " ( II Cor. 11:23-25).
Our persecutions, so far, are as nothing compared to many who lived
before us, but much more is to come. Hopefully we are the people
who shall be taken to a place of safety (Rev. 3:10,12,14).
We live in Satan's world. Satan hates God's people, and Christ's
Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD which we proclaim into this world. Satan
can do NO MORE THAN GOD ALLOWS! That means God has ALLOWED the present
persecution, still prior to the "Great Tribulation."
We need to ask seriously, WHY is God allowing it? I can answer
that. Our people of this "Philadelphia" era were becoming lukewarm,
drifting little by little into the ways of this world. Even some
ministers were "watering down" the truths and doctrines a loving Christ
had put into His Church.
We needed a real EXPLOSION to wake us up! We needed a housecleaning!
Christ has had to set the division of Pastoral Administration BACK ON
THE TRACK. That has been done! I had asked the former incumbent in
that office to make this necessary change in the case of a few "liberals"
in the ministry. He did nothing about it. I had asked him to
write telling you brethren, the REAL TRUTH about why I had to put my
only living son out of the ministry. He refused. He and a former