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because he could not afford it, but a rich man's son, for instance,
if there should happen by any chance to be one in the college,
would be excluded if his personal standing and record with us did
not warrant it---if he were not one of the 40 top students,
considered from not only academic standing, but personal character,
conduct, etc., and evident capacity to USE this educational
advantage and profit from it AFTER receiving it. All students who
could afford it would have to pay their own expenses, of course,
and the cost of this senior year in Europe would naturally be
considerably higher, because of cost of passage over and back. The
cost to the student while there, however, would be no greater than
in Pasadena---possibly it would be less. BUT, for the student who
could not pay this added expense of the trip over and back, but who
DESERVES it, scholarships would have to be raised. We will have
three and a half years for those among our co-workers who want to
have a part in it to create, by separate and special offerings or
gifts, special scholarship funds for this purpose. Such deserving
students would have their expenses paid for them---or at least that
part they are unable to pay themselves.
Friends, and Co-Workers, this work has grown until it has a
weekly radio audience of some five million, and I feel sure more
than a million people are more or less regular listeners. The
PLAIN TRUTH circulation now is 110,000 copies, and I feel at least
a quarter of a million people read it. And I feel that from this
vast audience---this large national following, we surely can, in
three and a half years, raise enough special and separate funds to
guarantee deserving students who qualify on merit the opportunity
to go.
Now will you consider this carefully---think it over---PRAY
over it. And then write me a letter, send it in the enclosed
reply-envelope as soon as possible, and give me your advice. Tell
me frankly how you look at this---whether you feel it is God's
doing, or something we ought not to undertake. God's Word says
there is safety in multitude of counsel. I ask your counsel in
this. THANK YOU for your interest, you co-operation, help, and
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong