Herbert W. Armstrong
Box 431
Tucson, Arizona 85702
January 28, 1979
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:
THANK YOU! THANK YOU for your great response and coming to
the aid of GOD'S WORK in this most monstrous and outrageous travesty
of justice ever heard of by any state government!
With NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER, except the false accusations of
six disfellowshipped members, the then acting Attorney-General of
the State of California, WITHOUT NOTICE, invaded and besieged the
offices of God's Headquarters, making allegations to the public press
that I and my assistant had been siphoning off millions of dollars
of Church money to our own personal benefit.
Such an outrageous false accusation, acted on officially, is
big screaming-headline front page news. It made Walter Cronkite's
CBS evening news. Thus the public press in this country virtually
reports that innocent people are GUILTY, without any evidence
whatsoever. And when one is finally cleared and the false accusation
proved false, the news media will ignore it, or print it in a little
single column squib buried on about page 27--after they have
assassinated an innocent man's character!
We thought, did we not, that in this country a person is
presumed to be innocent until proved guilty! But NOT GOD'S SERVANTS!
If we were not serving God, carrying out HIS orders and HIS Great
Commission, no false charges would have been made, or acted on if
Therefore this is DIRECT PERSECUTION AGAINST GOD! But God will
call such persecutors to judgment!
On Monday morning, January 22, some three thousand or more
brethren in the Pasadena and southern California area came enmasse
into our Hall of Administration, the Ambassador Auditorium, and the
Student Center buildings. They shut, locked and barricaded the doors,
and shut out the Court-appointed Receiver. This was a Brethren-to-
Brethren outraged response. This made even bigger headlines.
Neither I nor any minister had anything to do with this. The
suit was a "class-action suit"--this was a "MASS ACTION RESPONSE!"
Women brought their babies and children, willing to be arrested if
the authorities went that far. They were harming no one--just
protecting God's property.
That evening, my wife's mother called her by telephone, saying
the next time she telephoned, it might be in jail!
Tuesday the crowd increased, and the ex-Judge Receiver was still
kept out. Wednesday more than five thousand brethren filled these
buildings and the campus. The ex-Judge had secured a court order
to use force. On Monday he had tried to get the Pasadena police