national bank of the world, to have their European agents inspect
and appraise the place, and advise me in every way. And I have
tentatively booked passage on the Queen Elizabeth for the latter
part of March or first of April. I have felt for over a year I
ought to take a trip to Europe to inspect the post-war conditions
there first-hand, and I'm sure I'll have some very live,
interesting, vital things to report to our vast radio audience, and
in The PLAIN TRUTH. It will have to be a quick trip, for I cannot
be away but a short time.
And again, I am praying over it, and shall continue to do so
until I KNOW I have God's answer. But this opening, coming
immediately on the heels of the home for AMBASSADOR COLLEGE in
Pasadena, certainly appears to be the working of God.
In addition to giving a perfection to the foreign language
courses which never could be given in this country, a one-year term
at what would become AMBASSADOR COLLEGE in EUROPE would offer many
other unusual and very important educational advantages---of great
value not only to students, but also in fitting those who are
called for their place in God's work. Music is another study we
want to teach at AMBASSADOR, for music has an important place in
evangelistic work. And a finishing year in music abroad would
certainly offer superior advantages. Students over there would
take trips, every six weeks or two months, to one of the near-by
European capitals or educational centers---Paris, Milan, Munich,
Zurich, Rome---many of them closer to Lugano than San Francisco is
from Pasadena. There they would have a planned, guided tour, with
perhaps a day or two or three in some of the great libraries of
Europe in special and independent research---tours thru the great
European museums, galleries, etc. This would all be a definite
part of their educational course. As for the Bible study under me,
and if I do say so myself I feel they will by that time have a VERY
good basic understanding and grasp of the Bible, comparatively
speaking. By that time I feel they will be ready for independent
research and study of their own in these fine old libraries of
Europe---where they will see and study the oldest and rarest actual
copies of manuscripts in the original languages, have the advantage
of special historic research, etc. And if this plan is carried out
I would plan to spend a small part of each year there myself---
perhaps two months, for final finishing instruction.
Finally, before graduation, the students would be conducted
on a tour of the Holy land.
Now let me mention one MOST important consideration. Most
people do not realize this. The circumstances of my life have been
such that I have come to learn it. One receives EDUCATION from
TRAVEL just as much, if not more, than from books. Travel is
broadening. It is EXPERIENCE, and experience is life. It gives
one assurance, confidence, poise. It adds that quality of
education which helps a man go out and ACCOMPLISH THINGS! And of
what use is education, unless it's USED! Just plain book learning
alone is not REAL education---doesn't properly fit a man or make
him a success. Frankly, I feel that this one year of education in
Europe will at least DOUBLE the actual VALUE of the education each
student receives.