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Christ's Gospel.
And while I want to encourage you all to put, in your reading, THE
BIBLE first, and next, The PLAIN TRUTH, The GOOD NEWS, and The (being restored)
WORLDWIDE NEWS, yet you do read, in the secular field, your newspapers, and
perhaps other magazines--and you probably view news telecasts and certain
other TV programs, even though you are, and should be, careful in selecting
WHICH TV programs are right and proper for God's people to view.
Subscribe yourself. Quest/79 is NOT a religious or gospel magazine,
and is not intended to be. But it is HAVING AN UPLIFTING INFLUENCE on this
world. It won't bring spiritual salvation, but it will influence its readers
toward the TRUE VALUES, toward higher standards.
Enclosed you will find an order card--ten issues for the price heretofore
charged for seven--and, as quantity allows, an illustrated brochure. (If
your brochure is not enclosed with this letter, you will receive one in a
later mailing.) It points toward the HUMAN potential of character, quality
and excellence, on the human level, as The PLAIN TRUTH does on the SPIRITUAL
Read these brochures. Show them to nonmember friends, neighbors and
relatives. Get some of them to subscribe. See if they do not respect you
highly for it. Why not show the brochure (we will send you extra copies
on request) to your doctor, dentist, or those who have waiting rooms with
magazines for clients or patients to read.
Brethren, with God's Church and the prayers of God's people back of it,
we surely can expect its future to be much less costly and much more profitable
to us, so I do ask you to pray about this, as I do, and I pray for YOU!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong