together. They represent the resurrected Holy Roman Empire, soon
to appear.
Now let us tie this prophecy to the actual historic events as
they have occurred! After the Chaldean Empire, there arose the
empire of the Medes and the Persians--the Persian Empire. It was
conquered in 330 B.C. by Alexander the Great of Macedonia--with
Grecian armed forces. But it was short-lived. Alexander soon died
in a drunken debauch. His kingdom was then carried on in four
divisions, each headed by one of Alexander's four generals.
But one by one, these four divisions were swallowed up by what
became the ROMAN EMPIRE, 31 B.C. It ruled the world, including the
land of Israel and Judea in the time of Christ.
The Roman Empire was destroyed by Barbarians from the north in
476 A.D.
Then, beginning 333 A.D., the ancient Babylonian Mystery
religion, a sector of it transplanted in Palestine north of
Jerusalem after 718 B.C., had through its first century leader,
Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8), appropriated the name "Christianity,"
portraying a false Jesus and turning Christ's grace into license to
disobey God's Law.
By 554 this religion, called also the Roman Catholic religion,
had become strong enough to dominate the world. In that year at
the behest of the Roman Pope, the government of the eastern
division of the defunct Roman Empire, Justinian, was moved to Rome
and the Roman Empire was resurrected as the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE."
It was a union of European nations, in a CHURCH-AND-STATE EMPIRE
--with the Roman Pope astride what is symbolized as the "beast" in
Daniel 7, and in Revelation 13 and 17.
Let me at this point bring you up to date with the prophecies
of Daniel 7, and the 13th and 17th chapters of Revelation.
In Daniel 7, the prophet himself had a dream in which God
revealed the future. He saw FOUR wild animals--the first a lion,
second a bear, third a leopard with four heads, and fourth a beast
that embodied the dominant characteristics of its predecessors--the
HEAD of the lion, the FEET of the bear, the BODY of the leopard,
with four heads.
But in Daniel's dream an additional factor was revealed which
did not appear in Nebuchadnezzar's dream-image. The fourth
"beast," representing the Roman Empire, had ten horns sprouting out
of its head. But "there came up among them"--among the horns--
"another little horn, before whom there were three of the first
horns plucked up by the roots" (verse 8).
The four "beasts" were four kingdoms that should arise
beginning with the Chaldean Empire (verse 17), and "the fourth
beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth" (the Roman Empire--31
B.C.-476 A.D.). And the "ten horns out of this (fourth) kingdom are
ten kings (or kingdoms) that shall arise" (verse 24) out of--or
after the Roman Empire--after 476 A.D.