were hardly religions, but rather, philosophies--human thought
devoid of the foundation of basic knowledge from God.
But we in the so-called Christian orbit have not heard a great
deal about them.
Then, in ancient Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome, other pagan
religions developed, based to a considerable extent on a perverted
and deteriorated mouth-to-mouth knowledge of the true God. Most
of those flowed through the funnel of religions set up by
Semiramis, mother-wife of Nimrod. Nimrod, (Genesis 10) was the
world's first despot, or government dictator, after the Flood.
We know only the most meager fragmentary facts about human
governments, religions, and knowledge production prior to the
Flood. But Nimrod organized a number of city-states among
descendants of Ham (and perhaps some of Shem) in the Euphrates-
Tigris area. Out of this came the Isis and Osiris gods in
Egypt--patterned after Nimrod and Semiramis. In Babylon and
Greece, carnal minds created such "gods" as Jupiter, Estarte
(Easter), Diana, Hermes, and a long list in Grecian-Roman
Now remember, the BIBLE is essentially the Book of ISRAEL--
both ancient carnal Israel and New Testament spiritual Israel (the
Church of God). The Bible is therefore not directly concerned with
oriental religions. But the Hamitic religions of Egypt and the
Middle East did come in contact with Israel--and do very
significantly today with the Church of God--and, therefore, we do
find a considerable history of them in the Bible.
I want you to consider now, the governments and religions of
this area. They did come into contact with ancient Israel. And
they do today, in a significant manner very little realized, with
The Bible reveals history and prophecy regarding the pagan
church-and-state combination, from ancient Egypt, from which Israel
was delivered from slavery, through Babylon, Persia, Greece and
The death of Pope Paul VI has definite and tremendous
connection with this. So let me trace, in extreme brevity, the
chain of events revealed in God's Word, from ancient Egypt, on to
this present year 1978 A.D.
In the days of the prophet Daniel, about 550-610 B.C., King
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon--the Chaldean Empire--had conquered other
nations and formed the first WORLD EMPIRE. Nimrod long before
had started the organization of city-states. Now Nebuchadnezzar
conquered and annexed Egypt, the Medes, Persians, and Greeks, into
the CHALDEAN EMPIRE, usually called Babylon, after its capital
city. The nation Israel had been divided into TWO nations many
generations before. Israel had rejected King Rehoboam, son of King
Solomon, and set up a new king, Jeroboam, over them. At that time
the tribes of Judah and Benjamin split off from the nation Israel,
becoming the Kingdom of Judah in order to retain the Davidic