fish out of water--but I worked as diligently and faithfully as I
could--I worked myself into the hospital with typhoid fever. To keep
up with the job--one I was unfitted for--I worked alternately till
10:00 one night and midnight the next--and up at 5:30 every morning!
I took criticism--I took orders--and I did my very utmost to take
them in good spirit!
I worked under authority for three years on the country's largest
trade journal, and then for a summer as assistant secretary of the
Chamber of Commerce at South Bend, Indiana.
All this, of course, was before you were born--but I had been
required by the Living Christ who was afterward to call me to His
service--or I might say was preparing me for His service--to work
hard, diligently, faithfully and loyally--and WILLINGLY--to the very
utmost of my ability!
The Living Christ is not going to set anyone to rule under Him,
in the Kingdom of God, who has been unwilling to work in that willing
and faithful attitude under authority. This may be a hard lesson for
you to learn, Ted my son, but a father's inbred and real LOVE for his
son, causes me to remind you once again of this fact. It may be your
hardest obstacle to overcome.
In deepest love, in Jesus' Name,
Herbert W. Armstrong